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Ammah warned me not to ever step my foot in Kaduna until the Sunday I am expected to come get Fateema, but when Faheema told me Fateema passed out yesterday after they returned from the masjid, and they were in the hospital, it left me with no option but to travel today.

It's been like an hour since I set out but I feel like the state is farther, and the main problem is, I couldn't reach her phone. While I did call Faheema she mentioned that they were back home but she has been sleeping; which was out of her habit but at least she gets to sleep.

"Alhamdulillah!" I muttered, the moment I safely arrived and parked the car in front of the gate, not wanting to disturb the occupants of the house as it was as early as 8:20am. I alighted the car, and opted to knock. Instead of the gateman, in front of me stood the most beautiful creature I haven't set my eyes on for the past 7days. Both her eyes and mouth were wide open while she stopped in her tracks, she was literally in a state of shock. Although she gained a bit of weight, she still looked pale.

"I think I should go back, you don't look pleased with my presence," I teased, about to walk back to my car which was still on ignition.

Taking me off guard, she walked out, and in seconds I was tightly wrapped around her minuscule hands as she sobbed.

"Hey...hey, why are you crying Eemaa?" I asked, worry laced in my tone.

"I just missed you babe, and I don't know why, the tears are probably of joy," she chuckled amid her sobs, while a lone tear slipped down her face.

"It's okay, now stop crying or I travel back," while wiping her face I dropped a light peck on her forehead. "I miss you too," I added. She smiled and snuggled more into me.

"What brought you out by the way?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"I'm going for a walk." She replied.

"Shall we then?"

She nodded.

And we silently walked hand in hand. 

"Babe," She called afterwards.


"I have something to tell you," She said, her brown orbs twinkling reciprocating my dark ones, out of the excitement of seeing my wife.

"I'm sure it can wait, first tell me how you are."

"Yeah, I'm fine alhamdulillah, and now that you are here, I'm feeling much better." I squeezed her hands.

"And you know what?" Before I responded she continued, you wouldn't believe it, Faheema cried yesterday when I passed out and…" She drifted off telling me all of what that happened while I couldn't reach her, my eyes fixed on her cute heart shaped lips; I really do miss her.

"New thing about me, I am getting addicted to ice-cream." She beamed like a child.

"You want some now?" I asked.

"Yes please," she answered as she dragged us back to the car. 

"The place?" I asked after we sat down in the car.

"Yum yum." She answered immediately.

"Okay, I would need some guidance though."

"You got me." She smiled widely.

In 10minutes we arrived at yum yum ice cream parlor, but unfortunately it was still closed so we decided to lounge at a coffee joint. While I ordered a black coffee she opted for frappuccino with lots of marshmallows. Halfway through our cups her dad called her, immediately she ended the call. She squealed out loud that I had to apologize to the two people inside the cafe and the attendants.

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