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Author's Note
Assalamualaikum everyone
I hope you are all in good health.
This chapter consist of a foreign language that will cover almost the quarter of it, for your comfort, I will bracket every translation so you understand better.
I apologise if it causes any sort of inconvenience.



8:00 AM

I assume whatever she said to me meant hello, "Hello, Resident of Mr Ibrahim Khalid?" I asked to confirm.

"Haa, haa, wax yar ayaad u tahay rootigaaga, keenista waxay bilaaban doontaa laba saacadood gudahood," She replied with a polite smile.
(Yes, yes, you are a bit early for your bread, delivery will start in two hours time).

This is not what I thought, "English, do you understand English?"

"English lad, ah, one-," She raise one finger indicating she needs a second, then turned and spoke in the foreign language I couldn't place a finger on, again.

After a short while, an 8 years old girl or so appeared.

"Haa, Ayeeyo," She beamed, panting.

"Waxaan u baahanahay inaad fasirto, wuxuu ku hadlaa Ingiriis." She spoke to the girl.
(I need you to interpret, an English lad).

"Hello there handsome lad, how can I help you," Her chirpy voice was full of mischievousness, from the looks of it she had done this multiple times and must like putting someone on the spot.

"Can I come in?"

"No," Her cute face muffed into a frown as she cross her arms over her chest making her beaded long hair dangle along with her movements.


"Stranger, you are a stranger, Ayeeyo warned us to not let strangers in." She replied back her expression unchangeable.

The woman-my mother in law's replica, whom I think is called Ayeeyo asked her something, and then the girl replied then she smiled so wide and bent to peck the girls forehead, then proceeded to shut the door on my face.

I was taken aback but I knocked right back, this time around four men all looking almost alike with their skin color at least and are all wearing throbs of varying colors, I assume they are Eemaa's uncles or cousins answered the door.

I checked my outfit to spot any sort of threat from my dressing but there was none, I wore a light ash kaftan with a cap and I was only with my trolley and backpack.

"How can we help you?" The one that seem to be the youngest of them asked.

Thank God, "I am the son-in-law of Safiyya Ibrahim Khalid. "I decided to go all in, and from the way three of them looked confused and the youngest looked shocked I assume he is the only one who could speak English.

"Muxuu yidhi, Sham's?" The man with a white throb spoke.
(What did he say Sham's?).

"Wiilka ay soddohda u tahay walaashii Saffiyah," The English speaker replied and now judging by how they all carry shocked expressions, I understood he explained to them what I just told him.
(Son-in-law of sister Saffiyah).

"U sheeg inuu soo galo," The one that seem to be the oldest with little specks of gray beards spoke this time.
(Tell him to come in).

"You can come in," The youngest said to me.

I smiled, "Can you help me with this?" I asked ushering at my trolley that had been my company.

He held an unexpressive face but still helped me with it. He led the way and I followed him closely.

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