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2nd January, 2020.

"As I said yesterday, the person was supposed to be at my office today and it's 7 in the evening, no calls returned and no one was here," The P.I informed me.

"What did you decide to do about it?"

"Give it a day or two max, before we follow the due process of tracking the lead.

"The first one that was a loose end, what happened to him?" I inquired.

"Found dead at a graveyard,"

"Are you sure you wouldn't have to do something out of duties and objectives to get to this second person, I don't want to hear stories of her having the same fate as this dead guy."

"I'm sorry sir, we have to wait."

"Keep me updated," I hung up.

Things are messier than I thought, investors and partners are not keeping quiet on the matter of me being incompetent, the company is going through money loss than gain, and no one has an idea where it's being disposed in other words stock prices are dropping, I tried as much as possible to block every way to get the company's situation out in the media and then our first lead regarding this investigation was found dead, the second person who was supposed to reach out hasn't yet and it's getting my nerves rilled up.

What is going on?

Who is behind all of this? Because somehow dots are connecting.

I called Steve.

"Good day sir," he greeted.

"I want you and three others to be at the door, not the gate, and be with Mrs Muhammad whenever she's out of the house and someone with Miss Fadeela who's still at the hospital" I command.

"Is everything alright sir?" He asked.

"Not sure, so, be on guard, please."

"You have my word sir."

"Thank you," I hung up.

I get dressed for the last and final meeting I will be having with Mr. A.A in 20 minutes time, it is thankfully at the hotel's restaurant which happened to be the one I lodged in.

I got down and sat at the VIP section meant for cozy dinners and private meetings, Mr Jaafar reserved under Mr A.A's consent.

We spent about 8 hours dissecting and uncovering the lapse and lax of where I'm wrong first, followed by going through the staff's profile to see who needs to go and who needs to stay and then the finance report of every month's sale which is where we found how products were reported to have been sold but the money hasn't been to the company's account that explains the fraudulent activity, the person responsible for tax payment who will lead us to the annulment of the Court's order was found to be Babangida Yusuf, according to his profile, he's a 35 years old orphan, unmarried and not a resident of Kano state.

I made a mental note to ask Mr Victor my P.I to do a thorough background check.

Apart from the stock price drop which is the major problem we are facing, followed by the lack of tax payment for over four months, lack of updated machines, lack of social media influence, low salary and less national marketing has been a slack for the company and that we need to up our legal team.

Problem here is, the company is not in a good shape to provide the solutions as financially it is suffering, we came to a stand where Mr A.A will loan out a Billion dollar so all this will be cleared off in exchange for increasing his shares by 5%, The deal was signed at the moment as it is a win-win situation.

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