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Monday morning

The moment I heard Ammah (as everyone addresses her) said I have to stay for a whole week, I felt very, very uncomfortable. I was just thinking of ways to survive with people I am not familiar with—yet. This was supposed to be a trip together with ya Muhammad not me alone.

Dr Saleem, aunt Aisha's husband, apologized in ya Muhammad's place so she allowed him to spend the weekend with everyone since uncle Abdulmalik is coming  with his family later that day so she wouldn't want him to miss the family reunion.

Only Allah knows how relieved I felt even though I had to share a room with the nice 18 years old Faheema and mean 20 years old Fadeela, not because there were not enough rooms in the house but I come to dislike being in a room—alone even with the lights on and especially on places I'm not used to.

The weekend went by so quickly and now ya Muhammad is leaving. I stuck in the last cloth left out in his travelling bag and brought it out. Mustapha spotted me and offered to help carry the bag. We walked out to meet him standing by his car. 

Mustapha went back in after wishing him a safe journey.

"So...?" I said with a smile.

"I will miss you Eemaa," he said, mirroring my action while his turned out to be a sad smile.

"I will miss you more ya Muhammad." This was the first we are being separated since we got married.

"Eat on time," We said in unison, a genuine smile spreading on our faces.

"Take care of yourself for me okay?"

"And you should not stress yourself with work."

"Sure, and..."

"I would text every morning, the moment I open my eyes and at night too before I sleep."

"That's my girl," he said, taking me off guard, he hugged me. I squirmed in his arms.

"Ya Muhammad we are outside, someone might see us."

"I don't care," He said pecking my lips.

"Oh Lord, hubby please." And he did it again and again.

"Ehem, ehem, am I interrupting something?" Faheema asked, smiling mischievously.

"Faheema, mind your mouth" Ya Muhammad said playfully smacking her head, while I quickly moved a feet away from him, my cheeks heating up.

"Ouch Yaya, I actually saw nothing except -cough- for the last -cough- part, you know." She said grinning widely.

"Your laptop Yaya," Abdulhakim came rushing.

I noticed his face looking a bit disappointed then he masked it up with a smile. "I forgot that, thanks."

"Yaya, I knew you left it intentionally right?" Faheema asked, dragging the word right.

"Faheema!!!" We called out her name.

"I was talking to that scumbag," She defended pointing at Abdulhakim.

"How dare you call me that? Do I need to remind you that I'm 4 years older than you?" He retorted with a scowl.

"You look exactly like a scumbag so..." she shrugged.

"Ok, enough you guys, as early as the morning is let us have some peace, would you?" Ammah interrupted their banter, appearing from inside the house.

"Good morning Ammah," We chorus.

"Morning all of you, Muhammad you're ready to leave?"

"Yes, Ammah." He replied.

"Safe journey then and drive carefully okay? Ayi addua".

"Okay Ammah." He replied as the obedient son he is.

"Safe journey Yaya," Fadeela beamed. "Be careful okay?" She added.

He nodded at her glancing my way with a smile, he got in the car and zoomed off.

My heart fell to my feet.


Larai and the other maids were busy tidying up the house so I offered to make breakfast, the two nuisance of the family decided to help. 

The most amusing thing is Faheem is Faheema's twin. Apart from having identical features and possessing the trait of being friendly to everyone from their parents Abdulmalik and his wife Nabila, their habits are so different, he is the quiet one while Faheema is a talkative. He prefers staying indoors with Mustapha who is also a reserved person but smiles a lot. We hardly see them unless they are out to eat. While Faheema, Abdulhakim, and I spend most of the time together even though I am 4years older than Faheema and a year older than Abdulhakim, I still like their company. Her royal highness Fadeela only sits to talk when ya Muhammad is around. Well I don't mind now since he is gone.

"What are we making sistær?" Abdulhakim asked, disrupting my thoughts.

"Are you helping me?" I asked, smiling at the name he said meant sister in Chinese.

"It's a holiday, don't have anything to do, so yeah" He replied, opening the cabinets.

"Does Ammah have any specifics of what she'd like to eat in the mornings?"

"Nope, as strict as she is, everything is cool with her as far as it's edible," He answered, lowering his voice a bit.

"What about you, any Chinese breakfast you can teach me?" I asked, placing a pot on the gas cooker.

He rubbed his hands with an evil grin, "Of course, measure five full cup of flour, I will go get some moringa," He replied dashing out of the kitchen, No one must have trusted his cooking skills, I hope it turns out okay at least. I thought.

"What is for breakfast sistær? Faheema asked immediately she appeared.

"Have no idea, It's a surprise"

She frowned. "Don't tell me you gave in to his pleas?" 

Horror crossed my features,"Is he really that bad?"

"Not just bad, the kitchen might burn down before the food is done."

I opened my mouth to speak, but he quietly appear standing right behind Faheema. I clamped my lips shut.

She followed my gaze and let out a shocked scream,"Sheesh, you scared me?"

"A bet, if the food turns out good, you look for your own breakfast, because there's no way I will let you have it?" There we go again with their endless banters.

"If you manage to keep the kitchen intact that is?" Faheema retorted.

"We will see about that," The grin returned as he walk past her, handing some of the moringa to her.

"What would I do with this?" She questioned.

"Follow my lead, when you obey what I order, then I will revoke the rule of the bet and let you eat my work of art, agree?"

Faheema is the one now grinning evily, "Not what you order Mr, I will help sistær and if the food turns out good I will eat, deal?" He shrugged.

I was only looking between this two, and wonder if peace will ever reign in their presence.

Fadeela got in without as much as glancing at us, she took her leftover smoothie from the fridge and looked at the duo. "You two should get a life and stop spending time with a stranger?"

What the heck is wrong with her?! I thought to myself.

Glossary:- Yaya= we add it to the name of someone who is older than us

I shall wait

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