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 Ya Muhammad's POV


"Come let me show you something," I said when her cries lessened.

We stood up and walked to the console in the corridor before the living room.

"Look at you, my Eemaa is not like this, she takes good care of herself and even looks after me too, you see this bone here?" I pointed at her neck bone, "we need to fill the hole next to it."

"Ya Muhammad stop teasing me," she said with a pout.

"These cheeks are not chubby anymore," I said, poking her cheeks.

"Hey!! Are you making fun of me?" she asked pouting even more.

"And here it-" I did not finish talking when she held my lips with her hands.

"Enough," she said.


"Don't say it, okay?"

I nodded.

She let go of my lips, folding her arms, still pouting.

"I know better than to mess with the lioness in front me," I said looking everywhere but her.

"Ouch Eemaa, what have I done to deserve this?" Yes, her royal highness stamped her foot on mine with all of her strength.

"Stop then," she said grinning, more like faking it.

"Fine, now let's go."



"Now?" she asked baffled.

"Yeah,this instance, just get your-never mind, stay here I will be right back", I said going in to get her what to wear.

"Here you go," I said, handing her a maroon colored jilbab.

She kept staring at me.

"Stop looking at me like that, just take it and wear."

"Weirdo," she said under her breath before collecting it.

"I heard that," I whispered in her ears.

"Whatever, could you give me a hand please?"

"Sure," I said grinning. 

"Done, let's get going or do you need a piggy back ride?"

"Ya ilahi, what's wrong with you?" she asked, slapping my arm.

"Love sickness, that's it," I said laughing at her face.

"Meet me outside," was all she said going out, but I can swear I saw her lips twitching to form a smile.

-     -     -     -     -     -

"What would you like to order sir?"

"I would like to have chicken moreno, peppered chicken and a plate of chicken biryani with a plate of fried spa," I said to the waiter.

"Su..re," the waiter said looking at me awkwardly."

"And you ma'am?"

"Just a glass of-"

"Coconut mint mojito and blue coconut mocktail," I said in her stead.

"Okay," the waiter said after writing down our orders.

"Ya Muhammad, what was that for?" she asked looking at me.

"I know you would only ask for a glass of water, so I did what's right," I answered smiling.

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