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"Is that car following us?" I heard her ask me with a very frightened voice.

"I don't think so Eemaa, the car is probably on its way to Kaduna too or somewhere along the way. Have you by any chance seen it somewhere?"

She glanced at the car for some seconds and then shook her head in the negative but her face looks so unsure.

"It shouldn't bother you, okay?"

"Yeah," She nodded with a slight smile and then rest her head on the headrest. I held her hand for some seconds reassuring her that everything is fine until she respond with a smile.

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hour, and just like that the ringtone of my phone broke the peaceful silence.

"Eemaa, could you please help answer my phone and if it's from the office send it to voicemail."

"Umma!" She exclaimed, upon seeing the screen. Her mood suddenly changing to excitement. She answered the call putting it on speaker.

"Assalamualaikum umma, good afternoon."

"Wa alaikum salam, it's still eleven Fatima so it's morning, how are you anyways?" My mom asked cheerfully.

"Fine umma, how are Abba and dad?"

"They are all good, still in the masjid. I went out to do some souvenir shopping and I decided to call you guys."

"Umma is this a clue that you would be back home soon,you are already shopping for souvenirs?" She asked fighting back a laugh.

"Let me talk to her," I interrupted in whispers, my eyes still fixed on the road but I'm sure they are shining, happiness radiating off them. Parents are blessings.

"No," She said, sticking out her tongue at me.

"Oh Lord, Fatima now I know you're with my son, this remark was surely meant for him." Came umma's reply and even though I can't see her face I'm sure she is shaking her head sideways, rather in amusement.

We both burst out laughing, umma laughing along.

"Greetings to the world's best mom, how are you? Did you miss me?"

"No, not even for a second." Came her reply. Eemaa laughed a little while I feigned hurt as if I'm in her presence.

"Umma you need to see his face, let me video call you instead," Eemaa said, still laughing.

She disconnected the call and video call her. We talked for some minutes as the atmosphere became lively. After a while, she wished us safe journey and asked us to extend her regards to every member of the family and we told her to do the same to both of our fathers.

"I miss her," Eemaa said with a sigh immediately after the call was disconnected. I knew why, she looked up to umma as her mum as she has zero knowledge on what a mum is, she lost hers immediately after she was given birth to.

I chuckled. "Just her?" An attempt to lighten up her sudden mood change.

"Don't start," She said with a pout. And I laughed.

"We are here," I announced after a few more minutes of driving. I stopped the car in front of an average sized gate. With a few honks, the gateman opened it, but before I could find a suitable place to park the car another came in and the compound was occupied with three cars.

We alighted from the car, and the people in the gray Porsche did the same, it was aunt Aisha and her family.

We both walk to where they stood and I greeted her.

"Muhammad is that you?" she asked looking rather shocked.

"Yes Ummu, it's me." I answered scratching my nape.

"So just because you got married you decided to hide yourself with your wife, right?"

"No, this is not how it is Ummu I was busy and I couldn't find time." I replied, giving the silliest excuse.

"Uhhmm, I see, always blaming it on time," she said shaking her head unbelievably.

"Good morning aunt Aisha," Eemaa greeted.

"Morning fatee, please call me Ummu too, how was your journey?" Aunt Aisha asked hugging her.

"It was fine, how about yours?" Eemaa asked politely.

"It was great, you look good Fatee,at least he is doing a great job taking care of you" she complimented her.

With a shy smile she mouthed thank you and we proceed to greet her husband.

"Fadeela what's that noise coming from the compound?" Aunt hauwa's deep voice echoed from the house.

Her daughter Fadeela rushed out, upon seeing us, she ran to aunt Aisha, giving her a hug and blabbering on how she missed her.

She greeted me with the most widest smile on her face while she just glance at Eemaa with a kind of look I couldn't decipher. As we were all walking to get in the house, aunt Hauwa appeared, the once frown face turned to a surprised then a happy one.

"Sister!" She beamed. "What a surprise!" She said engulfing her sister in a hug.

"Mustapha, see how you've grown tall, I'm sure you can eat on my head now," she said standing in front of aunt Aisha's first son.

He laughed heartily showing off his pearly white teeth. "No ammah how could I, good morning," he greeted with his Chinese like accent.

"Abdulhakim, CEO of trouble makers, don't you know how to greet? Ko dan ka ganka da gemu ne?" She asked holding his ears.

"Ouch ammah you're hurting me." She smacked his head. "Nonsense," She then let go of his ears.

"Good morning granny," Abdulhakim greeted playfully with an accent that rhymes with that of Mustapha's.

"What did you just call me?" She asked, feigning anger about to get hold of his ears again.

Moving two steps backwards he said, "Ammah." And we all laughed at the exchange.

Eemaa and I greeted her and she eyed me. "You know your case is different right Muhammad?"


"Come in daughter," she said, cutting me off and dragging Eemaa along with her.

"Y'all should come in, I'm not inviting Muhammad in, larai set the breakfast in the main living room please or should I say brunch since its already to 12."

"Yes, ma'am," she answered, and rushed to the kitchen.

"And you," she turned towards me, "I want you to travel back home without her and return after a week, you get me?" Without as much as another glance she walked inside the house everyone tailing behind her except me.

What have I done to deserve this...?

Glossary:- masjid= mosque( a praying room, or a building were Muslims pray in )

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