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7:10 PM

With the help of the tracker, Steve had been monitoring the two targets. He notified me after maghrib that one of the targets was moving towards the hospital, I told him to do nothing, but to stay alert.

Abdallah had Steve and two other guards set up in the security control room in the hospital, they will stay there so we show to whoever is in on this, that we are unprotected. Although I had all rooms, Eemaa's, Maamah's and Hadeeza's secured with cameras, which are being monitored 24/7.

So I marched down to the room, asked the hospital guards to do nothing but keep a keen eye on him in case.

We watched as my car drove into the hospital premises which is shocking, because last time I checked I had sold it to generate money for that whole travel fiasco, so how did he get it? 

He parked beside Abdallah's car, creating some sort of cover for himself, but from his body build I knew it was Patrick, he opened the car and ransacked it, in and out, that gave me a clue to what they actually want, if they went as far as coming after Abdallah then they must be looking for something I had, since I was in the car earlier that day, from what we saw on the CCTV footage, he took nothing yet again.

So I went to check my bag, went through whatever valuable thing I had with me and that's when I understood they needed the company's ownership file, that needs Eemaa's signature for it to be officially hers.

So I hid it in Abdallah's safe.

How he or they knew of it, is another mystery but one thing is clear, it is an insider job, and now I just need to figure out who is behind all of it.

8:15 PM

"Yes Ammah," I confirmed the babies are fine while standing in front of the hospital's nursery.

"I will be there tomorrow, in Sha Allah, ita Kuma daughter Allah ya Bata lafiya." She prayed "Babies din Kuma Allah ya raya su."

"Ameen, Ammah" I answered, then cut the call after wishing her goodnight.

I did the same with Ummu, and Uncle Ibrahim after gathering up courage to go see the babies, there are the exact carbon copies of their mum, except for their skin color which was more of mine, I'm darker than Fatee your 6:00pm kinda shade.

Sarah did a lot for me today, from bringing the maid, saving her from near death, to going back home to pick up the maternity trolley, thanks to Eemaa's organized self, then clothes for her and other stuff we might need.

Abdallah ordered food for us and that was when I remembered I hadn't eaten since 4 in the morning and it is past 8pm now, still, I am so disturbed I couldn't eat much. So I went to the ICU section and just sat there. Prayers on my lips, guilt in my mind and regret in my heart.

Ya Allah!


2 Days later

Eemaa is improving, she is not entirely on life support now, the whole family is always here most of the time even Ummu and Abdulhakeem flew to the country. Ammah had been the one doing the granny duties sometimes switching with Ummu, Faheema barely let them be. Fadeelah though is looking disturbed almost all the time.

Some moments I think about Fadeela being the instigator, but it just doesn't make any sense to me, it can't be her.

Maamah is doing well now, she could speak and talk a little, she had also undergone surgery to remove the bullet that penetrated part of her lungs, but she still couldn't move much so she always asks and prays for Eemaa whenever we visit. The love the woman has for her is almost that of a mother's.

Hadeeza is yet to stay awake for more than two minutes, she always has tears in her eyes, always looking eager to say something but lacks the strength. Abdallah said it was the drug in her system that is wearing her out, and will take her a couple more days to regain herself.

Steve on the other hand, had been tracking Patrick and his minion, they've gone separate ways but they seem to be keeping low profile, so far they hadn't been anymore trouble since Patrick's car ransack.

I said to let them be, we need one of them to lead us to the main lead.

Today, I was allowed in Eemaa's room. I sat with her all day, even say I will do the cleaning the nurses usually do.

After cleaning her up, I sat there telling her about the little exploration I did, even spoke about how I went on an unplanned visit to Ethiopia, told her that I met her family and she's gonna love them. That brought a reaction out of her, her feet moved I barely noticed it 

So I keep on telling her stories of what I've learnt about them, then sidetrack to how sorry I am, how regretful I feel and promise to never, ever repeat what I did before I left, although in my defense I did that to protect her from all sort of worries but instead it landed her here.

I just held her hands and rested my head on her shoulders as sleep was beginning to catch me little by little. Suddenly Abdallah rushed inside.

"You need to see this!" He said and as if on cue, Eemaa started to move.

"Abdallah, she's moving," He quickly marched to her side, bringing out his doctor torch as he flashed through her eyes.

"Fateema, if you can hear me nod or blink," Took her a while but she did blink.

There was this immediate rush of excitement in my body, I smiled so widely you could see all my teeth, "Alhamdulillah ya rabbi! Alhamdulillah!" 

I was by her side the moment Abdallah stopped questioning her, and I gently hugged her.

"Thank you Eemaa, alhamdulillah."

I pecked her forehead and hugged her right back and that's when I heard it.

"I…it's M…aa…maah" She crookedly whispered.

Hello loves
I'm so sorry, it took a while to update
So here is a short chapter
And yes we've found our guy
Who thought so?
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