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"Aren't you scared?" He asked with a devilish smile.

"Just get to the point, wait! What the hell am I doing standing here when it's you I'm facing, stop messing with my life would you?" And I turned to leave only to hear him mutter…

"Keep calm babes, until I'm outta here, I don't go back on my words!" 

I turned to look at him, and the look of death vengeance was sparking in his eyes. Cold shivers ran down my spine, I quickly averted my eyes to the officer standing, muttered a quick thank you and rushed out of the station almost in tears. I need to check up on ya Muhammad, the only thing ringing in my ears.

Lo and behold, his call came through my phone before I settled inside the car, and with a tinge of scariness mixed with that of happiness I picked up the call almost crying while I searched through my pigeon box for my pills.

"I missed you Eemaa, I was home an hour ago, the house feels so empty without you, are you okay?" He asked concern in his tone.

And that was it, the sobs rushed out, I don't even know why I'm so emotional.

"Subhanallah! Eemaa what-what's going on? What happened? Why are you crying?"

He bombarded me with questions. I cleaned my face only for it to be covered with new set of tears.

"I'm coming home." I said.

"No I'm coming to get you."

"No, I'm fine, I'm on my way." I said, reversing the car and got on the road.

I texted Hadeeza to sleepover with Adama or go back home, as it's already getting to magrib.

As the adhan was calling maghrib prayer I drove into the compound of our house only to spot ya Muhammad strolling in front of the house porch. I smiled a little.

He came to me as quickly as he could while I locked the car. He engulfed me into a hug which made me feel safer; I finally felt the comfort of home in his arms. He is my home.

He lingered a kiss on my forehead and asked why I was crying whilst using his thumb to wipe my tears.

"It's Patrick."

"You saw Pa—Patrick? He did something to you?" He tensed, searching around my body for any sort of injury and I shook my head.

"He called me an—d said, y—you were behind bars and I m—made the mistake of n—not calling you, I wasn't thinking str—straight, I just had to drive my—myself there to check if it was really you only to see him behind b—bars." I finished while I cried out in fear.

"Shhhh, it's okay, stop wasting your tears on someone who doesn't deserve it, besides, it hurts me to see you cry Eemaa, or do you want me to cry with you?" He asked playfully, quivering his lips like he was really going to cry, which made me smile amidst my sobs.

"Now that's my baby, insha Allah nothing will happen, okay?"

"Insha Allah," I nodded.

"I missed the congregation, let's go pray inside."

"Alright," I answered, while he cleaned my face hugging me to his side and my arms circled around his waist.

We prayed maghrib in congregation, sat for our normal Qur'anic recitation whenever he is home early until it was Isha, we stood and prayed then went to have dinner as he had already ordered dinner for us, I didn't have the energy to cook.

We ate in silence, while ya Muhammad engage me in some talks which I respond with either a yes or no, I just couldn't get over what happened earlier.

He squeezed my hands to comfort me.

"Look Eemaa, Patrick can't lay a finger on you if Allah doesn't decree that and if he does, it is what Allah has decreed but then the reward up there is what you will never expect. You have me to protect you Eemaa, and I will keep you safe with the help of Azza wa Jallah. Now stop murrowing over what happened today, okay?"

I nodded leaving my seat as I comfortably sit on his laps, I hugged him, "Thank you ya Muhammad."

"It's okay, cheer up, tomorrow is the day, remember."

"Oh yes! Speaking of that we need to sleep early, we have a lot to do tomorrow."

"Sure your highness." He said, slipping his hands into mine while we walked to our room. Something he is fond of doing be it at home or in public.

"Goodnight baby," he said as I settled myself by his side. I kissed him goodnight.

"Eemaa," he called a few minutes later.

"Uhmm," I answered in my sleepy voice.

"What is it you want to tell me but you still haven't."

"You said it can wait, so I said it will." I mumbled.

I only heard him sigh.

~     ~      ~     ~     ~


"I am almost done ya Muhammad, besides it's just 5:50pm and we have alot of time, the flight is until after 7:00pm."

"Okay, but hurry, you know we have to drop the food at my parents before arranging them and what not, Eemaa hurry up."

"Okay, Hubby." I said, kissing his cheek, just sit and watch your 6:00pm news, that should keep you company okay?"

"Yeah, whatever," he said as he left the kitchen.

While I continue washing the dishes shouting "Sorry."

"Innalillahi wa Inna ilaihi raji'un," I heard him mutter just as my heart skipped a hard beat.

It's his news, later he would elaborate I said to myself. But then my heart was beating abnormally. Do I have to take the pills? Am I panicking, I'm sure it's nothing very drastic, so I brushed the thought out of my mind.

A red blood shot eyes, sad and terrified looking face walked into the kitchen.

Never in my life had I ever seen ya Muhammad look so devastated, I was getting scared and my heart was beating in a rapid pace.

"Ya Mu—Muha—mmad? I managed to court out his name.

A lone tear slipped out of his eyes and he looked away, staring at everything but me.


Who felt that😨
KhadijahAuyo this chappie is yours☺️

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