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Sarah's POV
5:15 PM

Being a wife to a doctor, and seeing him carry out emergencies multiple times at random, made me know the bare scratch.

I quickly rush to her side and look for any sort of injury, but there was none

I checked for a pulse, there was, a weak one though.

I dialed Abdallah's number again, but he wasn't picking up either.

Ya Rabbi!

I went out of the house and lucky enough there was a young girl of about 18 standing in front of the entrance door with a bucket

She looked at me puzzled, probably surprised of the new face

"Good afternoon, may I fetch water please?" She asked. 

Understanding dawned on me, no wonder, although the compound looked unkempt, the tap side wasn't dry and that explains the door being left open, people frequent this place to fetch water.

"Sure, but I need your help," I pleaded too.

"Follow me," I said, rushing back.

We got in the house and her eyes were the size of saucers as she quickly rushed to Hadeeza's side.

"Hadeeza, Jesus!" She shouted.

"Is she dead?"

I shake my head, "But might be if you don't help me get her in the car."

She didn't think for a second and rushed grabbing her by the shoulders, so I headed for her legs and together we lifted her to my car.

I thanked her and zoomed off to my husband's hospital.



I had been pacing the hallway of the OR section until 4:00PM. The adhan call from my phone, within and outside the hospital brought an even better and worthy solution to my problem.

I got down to Abdallah's car, picked up my suitcase and bag then went straight to his office that has an adjoined sitting room and a toilet. I freshen up and perform wudu then I pray zuhur and asr.

I was so out of correct thinking, I thought I had prayed zuhur

Afterwards I sat there submitting to my Lord, asking like I'd never done in my entire existence that he saves my family, that he have mercy upon me and them, that he doesn't burden me more than I could bear, although I know my Rabb wouldn't but everything I'd ever look up to is in a critical situation so I prayed and prayed until it was 5 PM.

I called Steve and said to meet me here, I am never getting out of this place.

Steve will answer why my wife was driving, and alone, when he was not supposed to be out of sight, outside.

After some time he arrived like he was close by.

He knocked and I let him in.

"Report," I cut to the chase.

He was silent.


He took a deep breath and he started speaking.

"She didn't inform me, I didn't see signs of her leaving the house, I promise, she just rushed in and out of the house and then zoomed off."

"Shouldn't you have followed her? I told you to stay on guard 24/7" I shouted banging the table, with all of his stiffness, he flinched a little, most definitely taken aback by my outburst.

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