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31st December, 2019.

Fateema's POV

"Yes Ummu, bye." She sends her regards, I said after we ended the call, he nodded in acknowledgement.

"It's 8 months already ya Muhammad." I hinted back at the conversation we were having before Abdulhakeem's mum called.

"By 8 months you mean?" absentmindedly he asked scrolling through his phone.

I stopped pouring the hot tea in his cup midway, seriously? I sighed.

"Babe, you have been grumpy this days and you hardly even pay attention to me or what I say. Tell me what's wrong please."

"Don't worry, it's okay. Let me get to work," he concluded standing up and getting his office bag from the dinning chair next to the one he sat leaving his breakfast untouched.

Because of how tired I am currently with his grumpy and I don't care attitude towards me, I didn't offer to help him with his bag or to walk him to his car to bid him adieu, I'm so angry at the moment.

I remembered I had to go for my antenatal later in the day, even if he was willing for us to go together I don't want his presence there so I followed him out, he was already sitted waiting for Fadeela so he could drop her at her work place where she serve.

"I will be going to the hospital later for my antenatal." He only nodded just as she get in the car too, even though his nod served as the last button that pushed me to the edge I still moved away a little as they zoomed out of the house.

I sighed in frustration, what is wrong with him? I asked myself the question I do always since the last two weeks while I gently walk back to sit on the front porch.

We don't go out anymore, not even to eat, I always say or rather believe to think that it's because of my baby bump but he works out late now, I mean he doesn't come home until I'm fast asleep, he cares still but not as much as he had always do, eats my food less which is the most disturbing. I have been asking him to tell me if I did something, he says I did nothing, someone did something to him? He says no, is it work? His response as always in the negative not to even mention all of the stupid tantrums his so called cousin pull. I'm too worried for my situation, we are about to have our first baby in weeks to come but it seems like he is not ready to father the baby, I don't even know how we can cope.

"Fateema." I heard my name being called with a tap, I looked up to see Abdullah's wife, Sarah.

"Uhm...Sarah, when did you come in?"

"You are crying, habibty what is wrong?" Touching my face with my hands I felt the wetness of my tears, I cleaned it and invited her in.

"I don't need to hear anything or an excuse, have you eaten in the first place?" I shook my head, no.

"Let's head to the kitchen, while I cook, I need you to tell me the story behind your tears which worries you this much, to thin and pale you out.

Without hesitation I followed, pounding over the thought of telling her that my marriage is as bad as a crippled old chair, on a second thought I actually had no family or friends to talk about a touchy issue as this, her and I are becoming pretty close so it doesn't sound bad opening up to her.

And there I opened up and told her what was the current situation of my marriage, amidst hurtful sobs I lamented everything. She didn't say a word throughout my outburst except for the pitiful glances she sent my way at given intervals while she busied herself with the kitchen utensils and food.

The kitchen was quiet afterwards with only the soft sound of my hiccups and the boiling pot. She served me a watery potato soup, walk me to my room where Fadeela currently stays and waited until the bowl was completely empty before she passed me a cup of water, I drank almost all of it and I must admit that for the past two weeks, I haven't eaten anything nourishable as I did today but alas the thought made my eyes glassy and heart aches for it was all because of him and he either didn't notice or he decided to not care.

"Fateema," drawing me out of my thoughts, Sarah began calmly,"has he ever behaved like this?" She asked after making sure she had my attention. I shook my head no,"if I would ask you to tell me who he is, what would you say about him?"

"Words can't compliment him Sarah," I started gazing at the fluffy rug spread beneath our feet," I mean he is human, capable of commiting mistakes which he does but he makes it up, to the best of his ability and it's a trait I like about him, he is religious Masha Allah, wallahi his presence in my life has brought me some kind of peace, it makes me forget that I grew up without a mum-a family precisely, he cares for me as much or maybe even more than one is supposed to be catered for, I feel safe even with the thought of the crazy patrick on the loose, his family made me want to have one with him for he has accepted me for who I am and he loves me Sarah, and this is why it hurts me so much to see him behave this way, what should I do Sarah?" I asked desperately, placing my hands on her laps, squeezing her palazzo in the process.

"You missed you guy's a lot, yeah?" Sarah asked. I was able to nod, tears threatening to fall. "You need to rest, I would stay while you do that and when you are up I shall help you prepare some magnificent whatever you think for him, help to dress you up and you fix your home, okay?" She winked.

What she said gave me a tinge of hope,"Are you free to accompany me to the hospital and from then we branch to shop for some things?"

"Yeah sure, get your baby self out of the bed and not to forget I believe the emotions of a would-be mother are a handful, you need to wash that face." She teased which made us giggle walking out of the room.

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