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Fatima's POV


I turned in my sleep, with my eyes still closed, I tapped the other side of the bed in search of hubby. I abruptly opened my eyes when I felt his empty spot.

What's today again?

I checked my phone that's on the bedside drawer; Tuesday.

He's gone to work. Note..there should be a note somewhere. I started searching for it, under the pillows, on the bedside drawer. Until I finally saw it sticked to the bathroom door.

"You look so peaceful while sleeping, I'm grateful, I'm the lucky guy to get to see how peaceful you look this morning and today I believe love is a disease that could be cured with marriage, thank you for being my wife. Love."

I removed it from the door. With a smile on my face, I placed it where I kept the rest of the notes. Trust him to make my day even when he is not around.

I got into the bathroom, showered, brush my teeth, and washed my hair. I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, blow drying my hair while swaying my body to the tune I made up myself. When I was done, I dressed myself in a denim jeans, and crop top. But because the baby bump was starting to show, I decided to wear one of his shirts instead. I went straight to the kitchen, grabbed a couple of cakes from the fridge, and hollandia. It's been long since I drank it and I smiled at the memory of it being the first time I met him.

I went back to my room after opening the door for Hadeeza.

I texted ya Muhammad that I want to go out for a bit of shopping, he insisted on taking me but I declined cause it's for the surprise, yeah it's today!

Hadeeza was done when I was about to go out so I offered to drop her on the way. I arrived at the shopping mall, bought what I have to and in no time I drove back home. I got so involved in arranging this and that just to make it look perfect. I only excuse myself when I had to pray and around 9PM I was done setting everything. I took a long shower using all the available shower gel, I even burnt scented wood barks, and covered myself in it.

When I was done, I wore a beautiful short orange floral dress with studded stones on the upper part of my left arm and a strip belt by the middle. Orange; he once said is his best feminine color, and he specifically loves it when I wore anything orange.

My bump was showing so I only let the dim lights of our beautiful flat house on.

I made my arm length black hair in such a way that the curls sway completely on my right arm, wore earrings, and a matching bracelet he bought for me when we were in Paris.  I'm not a fan of make up but I decided to work some magic on my face. The outcome was beautiful.

I'm not a fan of dressing up too much either, but for this occasion, I had to look extra beautiful for him. And different.

I did a double check of everything before I dialed his number.

"Hey darling," he answered on the first ring.

"Hey, what's taking you so long today? I missed you," I said in a small voice, pouting like he could see me.

"Hello you there?" I asked, after a moment of silence, I heard him sigh.

"You're surely the death of me Eemaa, I'm at the door, come open it for me."

"Ohh, really!"

"Yes, let your tired husband in—"

I dropped the phone and rush to the console, took a look at myself for the last time, then rushed to the door. With a wide smile, I gently unlock the door.

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