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"W-w...what!? I asked stammering, "Oh come on hubby, we dont joke with  people's lives," I said letting go of his shoulders,while picking a glass cup to wash.

"I know you're tired of waiting, just this and few more plates then I'm done, I'm sure we would reach there on time."

"Eemaa I..."

"Okay, okay, you don't want to wait any longer? Let me get my veil. You're just so eager to meet them right? God I missed them too." 

I washed my hands and started walking towards my room when he grabbed my hand making me stop.

"They're g-gone."

I forced a smile on my face, "ya Muhammad we don't joke with the lives of our loved ones, let me get your car ke-"

"FOREVER! THEY ARE GONE FOREVER!" He yelled unintentionally.

At that moment, I knew he wasn't joking as a tear slipped out of his eyes, he quickly wiped it away but more strolled down his face, so he just left the kitchen. It's hard to believe, really hard.

How? Just how??? I kept asking myself while pacing around the kitchen.

Okay, okay, breath in and out.

I followed ya Muhammad and found him sitted in the parlor.

"Ya Muhammad," I called out his name but he couldn't face me with his tear stained face, so I continued, "the plane our parents boarded,was it that same plane that-"

I did not complete the sentence when he responded with a nod, more tears kept cascading down his face.

Ya Allah!

I can't take this, I need water and I went back to the kitchen with the walls as my support, I was starting to hyperventilate, then dizziness started clouding my vision.

I grabbed the cup and was about to walk to the dispenser, when the walls started rotating and turning faster in every direction, I tried calling out for ya Muhammad but my lips felt heavy to part, I raised my foot to move when I heard the shattering of glass.

My heart was shattered just like the glass cup. The last thing I saw was darkness. My whole world is now filled with darkness...

•     •     •     •     •

I gently open my eyes and set them on the strongest person in my life.

He was sitted on a chair close to my hospital bed, with his head layed on the bed, he securely held my right hand in his.

I moved a little to adjust my laying position so I could sit, wincing to the piercing ache coming from my head, I don't know how long I have been admitted here. The whole of my body is aching and my head is pounding so hard that I don't want to even blink.

"Eemaa," Ya Muhammad called my name. 

One look at him moved me to tears, he looked weary, tired and unsettled. He has lost weight, his hair looked unkept, face unshaved, his orbs darker and bag under his eyes. He looked...broken.

"Let's go home," I murmured

"But you have not been discharged," ya Muhammad said.

"Just take me home."

"Okay, let me see the doctor first," he stood up and walked out, closing the door behind him

After what felt like forever, he came back with a pack of meds, without a word he helped me up, two nurses came in and helped me into a fresh set of clothes after which we left the hospital.

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