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I think I should just make a toast, maybe with custard, but no I have gotten a bit lot of time which I wouldn't want to waste here at home. Urrgghhh today is going to be a very busy day for me, I thought in my mind.

Yes! Potato muffins sounds cool, with an avocado smoothie. With this in mind, I set to work while the recitation of the holy book kept me company.

"Oh Lord! Babeee you scared me." I said, the moment I felt his arms around my waist while he snuggled into my neck.

"Sorry I didn't mean to," He replied, his voice coming out in muffled sounds.

"Good morning sleepy-" he cut me off by sealing our lips which made my own limbs go numb. I love him.

"Morning beautiful, what do we have here, I'm starving." He said, peering into the oven to catch a glimpse of what was inside.

It made me chuckle. A minute ago he was all lovey dovey and the next he claimed how hungry he was. "Get a seat, your breakfast will be served sire." I replied with a slight bow while I rush to grab a hand muffin so I could get the potatoes from the oven but he twirled me around dropped a mind numbing kiss saying he loves me in between and then stormed out of the kitchen yelling "In the dining room milady," while I stood speechless, my heart racing in my chest my breath unsteady and warmth creeping up my cheeks. I'm blushing.

"Breakfast," I said, placing the food on the table as I sat next to him.

"Smells good and tastes even better, you are my best cook you know right," he complimented after pecking me on my cheeks. I felt bad I had to spoil his sweet mood today.

"Thank you" I said, as we ate in silence.

We washed the plates then sat in the dining room again to talk and catch up on somethings we have missed before I leave.

"So, uhmm you know today is Sunday right?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I need t-" his phone's vibration cut me off, I motioned him to pick up the call.

"Yes Linda," he answered, setting the phone on speaker.

"Good morning sir, my apologies I called in during the weekend, but the new manufacturing products you ordered a month ago arrived just now and you need to check in so you could sign some papers."

"Sure, I'm on my way." He said, disconnecting the call, "what were you saying?"

"Both houses are probably dusty, I want to take Hadeeza with me after she is done with her work here so we could go clean the houses up, what say?"

"It's okay, take care of yourself for me," he said hastily, dropping a quick kiss as he rush out of the house.

I wore a long hijab as I waited for Hadeeza to come finish her work so we could go out engaging myself with Wattpad.

I heard a knock, then came in Hadeeza. We exchanged pleasantries and she walked in, to start the usual. I don't give her much work to do but literally her single dad won't accept help, gifts and money without a repay so his daughter is working for me, he said it was the only thing he could do to repay us.

We left the house immediately she was done and driving into my father's compound. I parked in front of his patio that would lead us to his part meant just for him. It was as clean as usual, just a bit dusty. So we only cleaned and cleared out the cobwebs that were starting to form, then we drove to Abba and Umma's house.

Having no one to look after the house made the work a bit bulkier and it was already past four so after we all prayed with Hadeeza and Umma's maid Adama, I decided to cook so we could eat. But then not all of the required items were available. I had to place an order, just then it clicked on me. I left my phone in my car's dashboard.

I walked out to my car, only to find my phone with tons of missed calls from an unknown number just 5 minutes ago, I decided to ignore it while I placed an order through Uber foods. Just then, the call came through again, I picked up after 4rings and kept quiet.

"Your husband has been arrested." Came a very hoarse voice of a man.

"What?!" I asked, shocked.

"You heard me right." The voice said, immediately, and disconnected the call.

I stilled inside the car my breath hitching. A notification popped up on the screen indicating an incoming message, I checked it quickly and it was the address of the station, sent by the unknown number.

I was thoughtless, I don't know what to do, having my car keys with me, I set the car on ignition and left the house immediately; not minding to tell the maids. well, why do I have to, it's ya Muhammad. My husband.

I muttered an alhamdulillah, when I safely arrived at the station after a 15minutes drive. I barged in only to be stopped by a female officer, and when I explained that I came to see my husband she escorted me in.

"Go—good evening, one of the off—officers here gave me a c—call informing me about t—the arrested victim and he said he is my hus—husband, can I see him p—please?" I asked one of the two officers, through a series of breaths.

They both looked at each other and then said, "How long ago did you receive the call?"

"20 to 25minutes ago," I answered quickly.

"I'm sorry ma'am, maybe you heard the wrong station but none of us received a call neither did we call someone to relay such a message." The taller officer spoke.

I brought out my phone and showed them the address, "Is there any other station with this same address please?" I asked.

And they nodded in the negative.

"Then could you please show me any recent cri—criminal you arrested?" I asked cringing at the word 'criminal', I know my husband.

"Yes, sure." The taller officer said again motioning the average looking one to get in and bring out the person.

After experiencing the longest four minutes of my life the officer returned with someone behind him and after sighting him, I regretted my spoken words of seeing the criminal. Yes, this is a real criminal.

"Mrs Muhammad," he said in a not so gentle whisper.

"Patrick" I spat.

Long time right?
I'm back
Y'all fine?
Happy reading
Who wants a dedication 🤩💃
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