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Ya Muhammad's POV

I knew it!

Ammah did congratulate me without telling me what it was she was congratulating me on. Faheema kept sending pictures of dolls or any baby related thing, and lastly the doctor informed me to take care of her; he said the next time something as such happens, he is afraid we might have a loss. This is when I actually knew that my wife, Fateema is pregnant with my baby, our baby. But I was too enveloped in the world of my despair when I heard the news of the plane crash in the shark infested water with 367 passengers (our parents included). May Allah forgive their shortcomings.

But today, as the half-caste beautiful woman who happens to be my wife standing in front of me, announced it in a romantic way, it felt like I was just being told for the first time— though nobody actually told me in words—my happiness could blow away the clouds of a stormy night, and spread light to the eerie darkness. I actually didn't know what to do that I fell on my knees, my palms and forehead on the floor. I prostrated to my Lord in appreciation to his numerous blessings.

I stood and held her by her waist, and whispered a series of thank yous to her ears, while I wiped her face which was stained with tears of joy. I placed an endearing kiss on the tip of her head that held unsaid words.

"Hubby," her ever melodious voice that was softer than it has always been, broke the companioble silence that was thick with emotions.

"Uhm," I mumbled an answer.

"The earrings are tearing up my earlobes."

I chuckled, then pecked the skin below her earlobes.

"Okay, I need to wipe off my face, I'm sure the mascara has smudged my eyes." 

She is definitely looking for an excuse to breathe, but damn I want my wife close to me. I smiled and pecked her eyelids too that were indeed in a black mess, not like I care. A hot breath brushed my neck as her lips pulled up to a smile, and I couldn't resist claiming them. They were so soft and tender, I only let go to catch a breath.

"I-I have been on my feet the whole day and—" with a pout she began to chide in again, but I cut her off by swiftly carrying her bridal style and walked straight to my room, I sat her down on my vanity stool.

"Don't move," I ordered.

She didn't argue, neither did she look me in the eyes, they remained downcast. My wife has always been the shy type.

I removed all of the accessories she had worn as I gently brushed her well trimmed black silky hair.

"Have I mentioned how breathtaking you look today," I began packing her hair in a low bun.

She smiled only and pecked my cheeks while she walked into my walk-in closet to change.

"So tell me something." I said after we were done with our night routine.

"What?" she asked.

"How long…,"

"Four and three weeks now."

"And your antenatal schedule?"

"Dr Jameela said for the first and second trimester, I don't need to check in for the antenatal frequently, she said twice in 3 weeks is okay. Except for any complications or unexperienced pain." she elaborated sleepily.

"Okay," I nodded, putting it at the back of my mind to be there with her in every step of this journey.

"Do you want to have an ultrasound?" I asked after a while only to be met with silence and steady breath.

"Babe?" I called but she was fast asleep, I hugged her to my body and adjusted us both to a more comfortable position so her head laid on my chest. Drawing the duvet over us, I sprayed the sleeping du'a over us while I kissed her goodnight. I closed my eyes, and let darkness and the serenity of the night to consume me in.


"Okay bye, and take care." I heard her shout from the door, as I drove out of the compound with a smile on my face.

Twenty minutes through the drive, the ringing tone of my phone blared above the soft fire on fire by Sam Smith. I ignored seeing the caller ID, but it kept ringing and ringing.

I refused to pick up, not because I don't want to but because I had stopped myself from answering calls while driving since the  occurrence of that little accident, and of course it reminds me that it was actually the last time I spoke to my father. Avoiding the wave of emotions clouding inside of me, I picked up the call immediately, thankfully I have arrived at the premises of  As-seeq Perfumes and Textiles company,

"Yoo man, what's up." I cheerfully said.

"A grown ass man like you speaking like a lady." Abdullah from the other side said with a snare. And I burst out laughing.

"Just parted with my wife so you don't expect me to sound like a grown man as you said."

"Bullshit, se ka gaya ma mara mata,  I'm returning sha." He announced with a swear ofcourse, Abdullah would never change.

"Ohh really, finally an gaji da Cyprus din? when should I expect you by the way? I asked


"Yeah, yeah okay...my regards to Amee please."

"And to her majesty, he said before disconnecting the call." 

And just when I was about to get out of the car another call came through.

"What? I said immediately I answered.

"Sweetheart I-"

"You know what everyone addresses me with, and you know my name so cut the crap and tell me the reason you called me as early as this time of the day," I said, anger finding its way to my face.

"Sorry swee-oh I mean Yaya, I was just going to tell you that I'm on my way, bye." And the call ended

"Huh?!" I sighed.

Who is on his/her way??
He? She?
His/her way to where???
Tighten your belts
The ride Is about to begin.
Edited by huchyna

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