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5th January, 2020

30 minutes earlier

I was sitting at the gazebo with a cup of fresh milk blended with coconut and date.

My latest addiction.

I took Maamah's advice, yesterday at night she came and met me sitting idle in my room with a book in my hand of course but I wasn't reading, I was at the same page since I sat there which was for over an hour, she took the book and said, "Enough of this wistful mood, be productive Fatee."

And so, here I am, after putting off this meeting off my schedule, I finally decide to divulge in it, focus on what needs my absolute attention at the moment.

Project 'Save The Almajiri's' for the kids I came across 8 months ago and the homeless kids that will be enrolled gradually after establishing it, is almost over, is almost about to start operating.

After the death of my dad, Allahumma Yarhamhum, I inherited all of his properties except for his company, according to his lawyer he hadn't given him the papers so I could sign the documents of ownership nor had he written a will concerning it, but knowing it's in safe hands, I didn't bother, I'm sure Ya Muhammad will look after it like he built it from scratch.

This is my heart speaking, somewhere in my mind I don't doubt there's something amiss with his behavior and only until recently I came to realize it has to do with the company rather than me.

I have tried to reach people I know that work there but it's like he's shut everyone up, no one seems to know that there's something going on with the company, in other words no one is willing to break the ice.

I opted to watch the news on a frequent basis but nothing seems to appear regarding the company, so I shove that under the rug. For now at least, and be productive as Maamah advised.

Like I began, after the death of our parents, I decided to use my dad's home that is spacious in and out for a good cause, providing shelter for those kids, a comfortable and conducive learning environment both for western and Islamic knowledge and living within civilization and security.

Luckily Mustapha and Faheem are active advocates in their regions, they know so much about handling all this, so I made them part of my team, Faheema who is on semester break heard about it from Faheem, she decided to join too, the elders of the family were eager to help with the funding. 

My dad's lawyer helped me with all the legal proceedings. That made things even easier.

Ya Muhammad had offered his parents house as a girls section, and with my architecture degree I designed how they were to be renovated and so far, the last time I visited the two sites, only the finishing touches were left, in two to three weeks, the grand opening will commence. In Sha Allah.

I am making notes of entails and items, number of staff we need to employ, setting reminders on what I had to pick up, and how we have to bring this out to the world, because at the get go we will need more funding. 

I got more involved in this just recently and it is even more therapeutic than my morning walks. I think I've found myself a new hobby which might end up becoming my job. I smiled.

My phone rang indicating an incoming call.

Hadeeza was displayed on the screen, she is definitely calling to let me know she's back in town, finally I can ask her of the whereabouts of her dad who hasn't been at the gate when I visited the site nor was he at the staff quarters. Hopefully he is in good health just taking a break too.

I answered after taking a sip from my cup.

"Assalamualaikum, Hadeeza," 

No response.

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