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"You're just so similar to your cousin Faheema," I complained.

"Sistær, just go with me in her stead," Said Abdulhakim.

"You look like a bulldog," Faheema said immediately she stepped out dressed in a lilac stoned abaya which embraced her fair complexion. Surprisingly she is the only fair person in the family even her twin is a few shades darker than she is.

I almost laughed at how stunned and angry Abdulhakim's face looked, but to make the situation less worse, I dragged Faheema to Ammah's room and we met the two silent people of the house.

Mustapha and Faheem. After we exchanged pleasantries Mustapha asked what Faheema did to me and before I could respond Abdulhakim came rushing with one of her heels.

"How dare you refer me to a bulldog?" Thankfully, Faheem collected the heels and apologized on her behalf. What a protective brother, I thought.

"And you, I turned to talk to Faheema, I caught her sticking her tongue out at Abdulhakim, "You're one hell of a trouble maker, now let's go." I dragged her waving at the boys.

"Sistær, aren't you going with me?" Abdulhakim shouted.

"Girls day out, don't you hear that you bull—" Faheema shouted back, almost calling him a bulldog, again. I had to smack her head to stop her.

"You guys are all set?" Ammah asked, with a smile plastered on her face.

"Yes Ammah, we are just waiting for Fadeela."

"I'm ready," Fadeela said, emerging from Ammah's bathroom.

"Here, Fatima, take the keys, drive carefully, okay?"

"Y—yes Ammah," I collected the key surprised, I thought the driver was taking us.

"Ammahhh! Why would she drive? I told you that I will drive." Fadeela complained.

"Fadeela I thought I've made my intentions clear, I don't want to see or hear a word about my decisions." While stamping her feet she left the room banging the door in the process. 

"Drive carefully and don't mind her."

"Insha Allah Ammah." We said in unison leaving the room.

"Just my favorite sistær and I," Faheema said happily, which made me chuckle. Sure, I felt more comfortable with just Faheema.

We went for Ammah's grocery shopping first, bought some things for the rest of the family, then went to the chips joint for some chips, and then to Yum yum ice cream parlor as we both are craving that. After being served our orders, we sat down comfortably at a table for two at the far end of the parlor and devoured the ice cream, savoring it's sweetness.

Faheema dropped her phone, and looked up at me with squinty eyes, her thick brows arched, in short she looked serious.

"Sistær," She seeks for my attention.

"Yes." I responded.

"Ammm..." she flicked her eyes away from mine looking at everywhere but me, "yesterday's night you kept repeating the name Patrick, do you...mind telling me who he is?" She asked, looking at me straight in the eye.

I paused for a nano second, fear, and anxiety swirling in my eyes which I'm sure are turning red now. My palms became sweaty and my body started shaking slightly. The question is so unexpected and it sounds really absurd to my hearing. Without replying, I walked up to the counter paid for the ice creams, and collected what I reserved as take away. Then walked back to the table and asked her to get up so we could leave.

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