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I crashed through the main doors of Salems meeting room and landed next to her thrown.


She sighs.

Salem:what did you do now?

I stand.

Bondrewd:I may or may not have made a Grimm stronger than myself

Hazel came crashing in.

Bondrewd:and Hazel

Salem:what did you make?

The prototype hound burst in.

Bondrewd:the hound prototype

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Bondrewd:the hound prototype

Salem held out her palm and annihilated it with magic turning it to dust.

Bondrewd:save the ashes they can be used as steroids!

I dived into the pile of ash and came out with a jar full.

Salem:and what are you using that for?

Bondrewd:steroids or clones but wheres the fun in cloning!? Now if you excuse me I'm going to run more tests


I turned around.

Salem:you have a mission go to Vale and assist Cinder in the operation

I groaned.

Bondrewd:can I bring my work with experiments but I have notes to go over

Salem:very well you have ten minutes before the bullhead leaves

I already left and went to my lab. My science team wa already cleaning.

Bondrewd:ok I'm going to be leaving for awhile, Jeremy take this and turn them into steroids. And remember the orphans on sub level one and two get hourly torture and the third level are probably skeletons at this point so get that cleaned up thank you and the by anyone touches my tiny food or coffee you'll be the next Hound experiment

I left with a bag of paper notes and a pocket full of tiny food. I walked outside and arrived at the bullhead.

Bondrewd:pilot take us to Vale

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Bondrewd eating tiny food.


I was sitting on a box of dust enjoying my favourite ice cream while Cinder talked to Roman. Through the sky light in the warehouse I saw a bullhead pass over.

Cinder:that must be the help

Roman:we dont need any help weve got this under control

Cinder:your employer thinks other wise...I just hope she didnt send Tyrian

The door to the warehouse burst open and a man in black wearing  a helmet with I purple line down the middle stepped in. I also noticed the tail.

???:g'day cunts!

Cinder:I take it back I want Tyrian...Bondrewd why did she send you?

Bondrewd:to help of course with this...what are you doing?

Cinder sighed in annoyance which I enjoyed seeing.

Cinder:the fall of Beacon the Fall median

Bondrewd:ah yes I had a maiden in my clutches once...she didnt surrvive the surgery

He threw a bag in a corner and walked up to Cinder. He then looked around.

Bondrewd:and where praytell are the little shits

Cinder:their none of your concern'll be working with Roman and Neo in mount Glenn.

Bondrewd:oh the famous thief he can help me with abduction

Roman:I'm-im sorry what?

He turned to him and wrapped his tail around his shoulder.

Bondrewd:you see dear Roman I have a habit and record of...abducting children in their sleep then burning there houses down...I also need help in acquiring specific tech from Atals can you assist me with that?

This was getting weirder and weirder but I kinda found him funny.

Roman:the second one definitely the first...we'll see

Bondrewd:success! Before we leave I'm gonna go burn down an apartment complex  back in a few!

He front flipped back down onto the floor and walked toward the exit. He stopped when a police officer was in front of him with a gun.

Policeman:put your hands...up

He saw the rest of us.

Cinder:how did he get past the guards!?

Bondrewd turned around.

Bondrewd:wait those were ours- I'm mean oh no how'd he get past the gaurds, I'll deal with him

His tail extended and impaled the officer. He then threw him into a pile of boxes.

Bondrewd:ok bye!

He walked off as if nothing happened.

Roman:he...the fuck is he?!

Cinder:a mad genius with a record of arson

Roman turned to me.

Roman:what you think of him?

I held up my scroll.

Neo:he's funny

Roman:you have strange taste in men

I typed again.

Neo:I know

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