Rode back to Vale

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We got Emerald as Pennh to fool Irondick into getting us a ship. The plan or my plan is to get the magic stick to get us back to Vale where my old house is. Hopefully it's still intact. Emerald droped the disguise and we all appeard.

Bondrewd:Jimmy my boy how goes dying!?

I blew his head off with a barret 50 cal I keep in my jacket.

Neo:fuck yes!

Emerald:what the shit Bondrewd!?

Bondrewd:what he was gonna die anyway, Winter was gonna kill him! Oh speaking of which

I shot the bald one.

Bondrewd:two for two! Can we leave now? I only brought two bullets



Ambrosius appeard before us.

Ambrosius:it seems someone has come to engage in my creative wise! All I say is it better be worth it after my last project...a floating city? How pedestrian

Ruby:Mr Ambrosius-

Bondrewd:if you talk we'll be here all day. Here's what I want a portal that instantly transports everyone in this city and the one below to Vale. Here's the layout

I gave him blew prints.

Ambrosius:oh my...very well done. You did this?

Bondrewd:correct my immortal blue buff friend. Also this is teleportation not transportation you able to do it?

Ambrosius:with this much data on where everyone is and the exact point of entry...I can. Now prepare to witness a master at work!

He clapped his hands and a portal opened behind us.

Bondrewd:appreciated. Tell them and lets go

After that shit we went through and found ourselves in Vale that is now Grimm free. The school on the other hand. No so good.

(This was one of the biggiest plot holes for me. Vale was never mentioned outside of Beacon being said. And we only got a look when Glynda was on screen. So I've decided fuck Vacuo back to Vale this is my story and I'll do what I damn we'll please thank you for reading and the next chapter will be out in February...probably. This was the first chapter of 2022 so hurray!

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