Second fight

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Been a day since our last fight and a lot has happened...Qrow showed along with Ironwoods entire Atlas fleet but at least they had Roman locked up on one. Me and Emerald were standing face to face with our opponents. A brown heaird girl with actual good fashion sence and a guy with a sword.

Brown hair:hey love the outfits

Emerald:I'll try to to get blood on it

Sword:I can't promise you'll leave without a scratch

Bondrewd:you cocky basterds I'm gonna have fun breaking your legs

Brown hair:oh I like him

Announcer:3...2...1 BEGIN!

I stretched my arms out as me and Emerald walk backwards into the long grass.

Bondrewd:fire away!

As soon as we were out of sight I ran off to the left and into the trees. The brown hair girl turned her hand bag into a mini gun and shot down the grass. I jumped above them and came down with my tail.


My tail smashed into the ground and I kicked brown hair into the forest where Emerald was waiting. I stood up.

Bondrewd:you and me big man...let's get it on!

I rushed him and punched him in the face but he grabbed me and threw me into a rock. I got up.


I charged forward, slid under him and tripped him up with my tail and stood on him. I wrapped my tail around his neck and slammed him into the ground a few times and threw him into a tree.

Bondrewd:and Emerald should be done right...

The brown haired girl came fling out the forest and I grabbed her with my tail mid air.

Bondrewd:now, another thing out of everyone I've met you are the only one with a good sense in fashion goodbye

I threw her out the ring.

Announcer:Emeral and James win!

Me and Emerald leave the stadium.

Emerald:that was easy

Bondrewd:but fun none the less...well if you excuse me I have arson to commit, orphans to kid nap and I got victory footlose dancing in an abandon factory in an hour

Emerald:I'm not even gonna question that

Bondrewd:best if you don't

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Bondrewd dancing.


I stole a car and arrived at the Factory.

Bondrewd:shit I forgot Cigarettes and booze!

ANOTHER THING TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Bondrewd waiting in line.


Ok now I have everything let the victory dance begin!

And then I burned the factory down to the ground, stole a new born baby from a mothers arms,killed it and now I'm back at the dorm. I kicked the door down.

Bondrewd:sup cunts!

Cinder:where have you been?

Bondrewd:danced,arson and stole a baby the usual

Neo held her scroll up.

Neo:you steel babies?

Bondrewd:well Salem won't let me use Summer for the Houmd experiments so I improvised


Cinder:just be ready for tomorrow

Bondrewd:bitch please I'm always ready

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