Bondrewd vs cat 3

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Salem:alright...who destroyed the castle while I was away?

She lined all of us up.

Salem:I'm not mad I just want to know...

All of them pointed to me.

Bondrewd:well aren't you all a bunch of cunts

Salem walked up to me.

Salem:what happened?

Now she's pissed.

Bondrewd:so I was chillaxing in a room like a baller when all of a sudden the Cat shmuck kicked in my door


Bondrewd:so your alive...

The Cat started fucking fire bending which I dodged.

Bondrewd:why the fuck did I make you so resilient!

I used air bending and threw a table at him. He mowed.

Bondrewd:yes I am an Air Bender the last to be infact!

He hissed.

Bondrewd:you can try asshole!

I threw my coat off and started fire bending and earth bending.

Bondrewd:I'm the Avatar and you have to deal with it!

The little fucker kept dodging me when he jamp on my back and clawed at my face.


I burned his fur and kicked him into a pile of dead cripples I found after I burned down the hospital. They were just left there I'm not passing up perfectly good cripples. The cat jamp back out and I narrowly avoided lighting.

Bondrewd:it would appear I have to use...the Avatar state!

The tattoos appeard on my helmet and forearms. I floated mid air and summoned every element.

Bondrewd:Water! Earth, Fire! Air! Grandpa!

Grandpa:what did I tell you abou-

Bondrewd:kick his ass grandpa!

I threw him at the cat it was super effective.

Bondrewd:and now my ultimate attack!

I went out the Avatar state.

Bondrewd: FUCKING RUN!

I ran through the halls of the Castle with the Cat burning everything down as it chased me. I went behind a corner where Neo already was with a Cats one weakness...a pickle.

Bondrewd:thank you!

The cat walked round the corner and I bitch slapped him in the face with it.

Bondrewd:holly shit that worked better than expected

Neo:when I wrote their weakness i ment their afraid of them because they think their snakes

Bondrewd:oh... Tyrian lunch!


Bondrewd:and that's the end...

She was mad.

Salem:you have five minutes

I was already gone.

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