Christmas special home alone

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Bondrewd:let me get this boodie trapped your entire house in under three hours?


I was standing in front of a teb year old.

Bondrewd:what did you trap them with! They were sent to the hospital with 20 degree burns, a venomous spider bite and five broken ribs!

Kevin:I'm very clever

Bondrewd:and you have no Family right?

Kevin:as of this morning

Bondrewd:so your free game?

Kevin:what do you mean?

Bondrewd:answer the question before Batman shows-bloody fuck!

I was kicked into the garden.

Batman:he's mine you Scarcrow rip off!

Bondrewd:he wishes he was me!

Batman:Alfred call the-


I jammed his comms.

Batman:why does everyone keep doing that!

I called Neo.

Bondrewd:Neo call the guy!

Neo:where are you!? You just dissapeard!

Bondrewd:call the guy!

Neo:who us the fucking guy!?

Bondrewd:get PN to tell you I'm fighting Batman

Neo:your what-!?

I hung up.

Bondrewd:he's mine you leather wearing fuck!

Batman:no he's mine! Robins assemble

The others showed up.

Nightwing:Bruce why are we doing this?

Batman:reasons get him!

Bondrewd:not so fast I know all your weaknesses! Dick!

I gave him a box.

Bondrewd:Merry Christmas

Nightwing:oh thank you

He opened it.


Bondrewd:yes...a skip leg day pass! And since it's a gift your moral compass won't allow you to not use it!



I pulled put a Crowbar.

Red hood:please no

I broke his knee caps.


I held his coffee maker in my hand.

Bondrewd:no coffee

I broke it.

Red Robin:fuck!

Bondrewd:and Damian!

Robin:unlike these pathetic fools I don't have such minor weaknesses I have been trained by the most skilled Assassins do you think you will-

I picked him up by the Cape with my tail and held him high up.

Robin:put me down! Put me down!

Bondrewd:your in time out young man! And don't try to cut the tail with the sword I guarantee you it will Barbra Gorden!

Batgirl:oh no...

I held a price of metal.

Bondrewd:know what this is?


Bondrewd:a magnet

I threw it away and she went flying.

Bondrewd:Cassandra Cain...were cool

She looked surprised.

Bondrewd:yeah we're I got a mute or formally mute wife you two would get along

Fist bumped her and she walked over to my side.

Bondrewd:and last but not least the man himself...Bruce

Batman:I know my Weaknesses you won't get away

Bondrewd:no you have one he's roughly 7 foot tall, built as shit and where's a luchadore mask

Batman:who-oh no

Bane:hello Bruce

He picked him up.

Batman:no,no,no not again-!*CRACK* FUUUCK!

He threw him away.

Bondrewd:thanks Bane

Bane:no problem Brother see you

Robin:can I get down now!?

Bondrewd:nah im taking you Cass and Kevin

I spider manned Kevin over here and picked up all three.

Bondrewd:Neo is gonna love you guys

(And that's the story of how Bondrewd faught Batman on Christmas. This was a take on "The Panda Redd" Batfamily skits he does really funny shit and I highly recommend if your a comic books nurd and if you want comment on his videos and tell him I did this thankyou and goodbye)

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