Mount Glen

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I was on a bullhead going to Mount Glen. I was coverd ashes as I had burned down an apartment complex...with everyone still inside fast asleep...I also may have locked all the doors. We landed in the destroyed city and I jamp off. I saw White Fang members exit a building. I walk towards the building and enter. Inside there was a stair case leading down. As I was walking down it lead to a giant under ground cave with a train filled up with the latest and greatest tech. I jamp off the stairs and landed near the train. As I got closer I saw Roman and a small girl with pink and brown hair.

Roman:Bondrewd you finally made it how was...the fire?

Bondrewd:very enjoyable, I locked the doors so they couldn't escape. Now when do we leave?

Roman:were just getting the last of the cargo on now

Bondrewd:progress excellent! Tiny food?

I offered him a hand full.

Roman:any little cakes

He took one and ate it. The small one held up a scroll.

???:any ice cream?

Bondrewd:it melted when I set the fire, question who are you?

She held up her scroll again.

Neo:I'm Neo

Bondrewd: Bondrewd at your then I see one of your men have captured a red hooded girl?

I saw two White Fang members carry a girl in a red hood and...silver eyes?

Roman:little red so good to see you again!

He kicked her across the ground.

Roman:you know you are a lot more manageable without that over sized gaurdining tool of yours

She got angry and attempted to tackle him but he moved out the way and she went into me. I grabbed her head with my hand examing her.

Bondrewd:rash disicion making,silver eyes,poor sense in fashion,the hood,small in size and you are the daughter of Summer Rose correct?

She nods slightly.

???how do you know my mom?

Bondrewd:my dear...I'm the one who killed the bitch!

Her face turned to dred.

Bondrewd:and when I saw Qrows face it was the way how is that old Qrow?

She began crying and got angry.


She was cut off by an explosion.

Bondrewd:it would appear the circus is in town

I knocked the girl out and left her. Roman and Neo got on the train with me following. The girl woke up.

Bondrewd:say hi to your Father for me!

Roman went on the intercom.

Roman:get to your stations we are leaving now!

The train started and me,Neo and Roman were at the front.

WFM:They made it on the train!

Roman:well grab some cargo and get them off the train!

Bondrewd:well I better go do my job...kill some kiddies!

I walked out with Neo following me.

Bondrewd:you wan help too?

She nods smirking.

Bondrewd: excellent! Now let's get up there

We got on top of the train. I saw the red girl and what looked to be the daughter of Raven and Tai and Obbleck he's still alive. The White Fang were getting there asses kicked.

Bondrewd:Obbleck you old basterd!

They turned to look at us.

Obbleck:Bondrewd ...children get in the train I'll deal wit him

Red:but he killed m-

Obbleck:Ruby he will kill you without a second thought...stop this train

She nodded and her team went inside.

Bondrewd:Neo if you wouldnt mind giving us the floor...I have an old friend to meet

She nodded and went back in.

Bondrewd:shall we?

We rushed each other. I used my tail to my advantage occasionally attempting to stab him with it. I fired a laser from my helmet that hit him.

Bondrewd:I made a few like them?

I fired again knocking him off the train.

Bondrewd:that was disappointing...oh right th-

The train crashed.

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