House of Dawn

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Bondrewd:wow this place is fucked!

We were back in Vale with most of Atlas with us.

Bondrewd:oh look there's the bank we robbed! There's the Dairy Queen I ran a car into! And theres Glynda walking with murderous intent...OH FUCK GLYNDA WALKING WITH MURDEROUS INTENT!

I grabbed Neo, PN and my dogs.


Neo:put me down!

PN:can't you kill her?

Bondrewd:I will fuck with Gods, Batman and the IRS but not her!

I ran into a wall.

Bondrewd:(muffled) I forgot she could do that

Neo:(muffled) if our kids dead ill kill you

I pulled us out and turned around.

Bondrewd:Glynda! How's the-

I got a rock to the face.


Glynda:I'm going to kill you for everything you've done!

Bondrewd:I'm Russia!


Bondrewd:I pulled a Russia and switched sides! I'm good now!...well I'm neutral evil but I'm on your side! If you saw the video Ruby sent out you know I can kill Salem I just need to get back home

Glynda:you think I'll-!

Bondrewd:do it

Neo used her Semblance and now we're on a roof.



Bondrewd:meet us at the edge of Vale! Just look for the big fuck off mansion in the woods!


Bondrewd:uh oh

We ran again.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Bondrewd running while carrying all the dogs, Neo and PN.


Bondrewd:there she is...

PN:the house of Dawn?

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PN:the house of Dawn?

Bondrewd:indeed. She has certainly seen better days

I kicked down the main door.


My voice echoed through out the hole mansion. Waking a few things up. The walls began moving.


Bondrewd:rats? No,no this is just a security measure I made before I left for Beacon. They have served this house ever since I left. ahem...BONDLINGS!

Little purple lights appeard on the floor and then they were all over me.

Bondrewd:did you miss Daddy! Who's my good little Bondlings!

Bondrewd:did you miss Daddy! Who's my good little Bondlings!

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(Just like make fucking thousands)

Neo:oh my God...

PN:their adorable!

Each of them pulled little knives and guns I gave them and pointed them at them.

Bondrewd:no,no there fine. Good okay!

They put them away and surrounded them. My dogs too.

Neo:so what-fuck!

They started climbing on them.

Bondrewd:they like you

PN:their so soft!

Bondrewd:I made them with very durable and soft material, they protect the grounds while I'm away which was a very long time so they are very happy

Neo:yeah they are. Their in my hat

Bondrewd:their also naturally very curious so-hey spit him out! Jerry out!

Jerry spat out one of my Bondlings.

Bondrewd:no eating-wait

I looked around.

Bondrewd:where's big Barry?

Many of the Bondlings moved out the way and they rolled big Barry in on a small table.
(Big Barry is just a buff Bondling)


I dropped to my knees

Bondrewd:BARRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! NOOO! This is why *sniff* this is why we can't have nice things Barry! You asshole!

Neo:are you crying?


His light came back on for a second then went off.

Bondrewd:wait a damn minute

I poked him and he laughed.

Bondrewd:you cheeky dick waffle! Who's idea was this? Was it you Toby you little fuck! You fucking had me you really did oh man hats off to Barry! we should put on a play, who wants to do a play!?

They cheered.

PN:oh this is great least he's happy. And having these things will help with the baby

Bondrewd:okay, okay calm down. Get me the blueprints for the experimental anti Salem gun, oh and stick the kettle on, Pur us and yourselves a cup of tea, we don't have long. Big Barry show PN to her room, the dogs sleep anywhere and Neo to the master bedroom. I'll be in the basement if you need me, Bondlings roll out!

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