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Oscar:I'm just saying we're all enemies of Salem now

Bondrewd:no I'm with the blonde we hate all of you so just let us leave?

Jaun:not after everything you've done

PN:I have feeling he means me mostly

Bondrewd:for the record Jerry messed with her memories not me

Jaun:you still turned into this thing!

PN:I'm right fucking here you know

Yang:they are part of the reason I have this

She showed us her arm and Nei held up her screen.

Neo:fuck off that was all Adam

Oscar:listen, they helped us maybe we give them a second chance

Bondrewd:yeah I mean I let loose all the orphans I had...oh wait that included the ones at the castle...yeah their dead

Oscar:I got a lot of help from someone I don't exactly trust

Bondrewd:holy shit Ozpin is alive?

We all stopped and looked at him.

Bondrewd:he used the last of his power

Oscar:most not all

Bondrewd:then use it wisely...we just need to get to the House of Dawn we kill Salem with the gun and call it a day

We kept walking down the tunnel until we came across a shit ton of people in the sewer.

Jaun:all of Atlas is down here

Bondrewd:reminds me of when I lived in the sewers with a giant lizard scientist and faught a guy in red and blue tights

They looked at me.

Bondrewd:I was weird ten year old

We kept walking down the tunnel until we finally found the mansion.

PN:who's gonna knock?

Bondrewd:well I'm expecting a bullet

I knocked the door and Ruby answered.

Bondrewd:hello Ruby how's ya Dad?


She pulled out her sniper scythe thing and started shooting but I blocked the attacks with my wrists.

Bondrewd:Wonder Women!

She rushed me and I ducked under her.

Bondrewd:Spider man!

I shot black webs from my wrists pinning her to a wall. Weiss attempted to attack but I threw a batarang knocking the weapon out her hand.


And the Cat tried to stab me but I fired a laser from my head sending her back inside.

Bondrewd:Cyclops! can we have a normal conversation-

I stopped and saw it...that...fucking...Cat.

Bondrewd:you furry, immortal pain in my ass!

I kicked it across the hall.

(46 seconds to 2 minutes and Bondrewd is Austin and mini me is the cat)

After slamming the dick bag into every thing in the mansion and throw him outside.

Bondrewd:put that in yer kilt and smoke it! Oh fuck wait I'm ment to be English not Scottish...oh Gordon Ramsay is Scottish never mind then

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