back to the Castle

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Been a few months since we got back. Eno's better and Cinder got an upgrade from yours truly, I gave her a Grimm arm. She still can't speak yet but she's getting their. And Pyhrra that girl is still in a tank, haven't gotten around to the hole turning her into a Grimm thing yet but I'll get to it first is making a cat for Neo.

Bondrewd:okay assignments for today! Jeremy! Beat the children! Frank! Make coffee your still an intern! Jeff,Micheal! Your on Grimm duty! And Scott! Do whatever the fuck you want it's your day off! Ready break!

They all went off to do there own thing. 

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Bondrewd making a cat.


Two hours well spent.

Bondrewd:science team! I present to you!...the first neapolitan coloured cat!

I held it in the air and they clapped.

Bondrewd:thank you, thank you!

Jeff:sir miss Salem wants you

Bondrewd:thank tou Jeff I'll take the cat with m-

It started clawing my helmet.

Bondrewd:ah! Get the fuck off me you bitch!

I threw it away.

Bondrewd:find that bitch!...son of a WHORE!

I walked toward the thrown room pissed. Mercury walks toward me.

Mercury:what happened to yo-

I bitch slapped him into a wall.

Bondrewd:got my ass kicked by a cat!

I was about to enter the room when the fucking cat again jumped on me!


I heard fighting and Bondrewd burst through the doors with a cat on his head attacking him.


He three it off, grabbed a chair and started beating it to death. After hitting it ten times he threw the chair away

Bondrewd:stay dead you bitch! Sorry the dick was being stubborn...I also bitch slapped Mercury into a wall-FUCK!

the cat got back up and he threw it to the ground again and elbow dropped it ten times. He got up,picked it up and threw it out the window. He threw his hands in the air and fell back.

Bondrewd:if that thing comes back...I will fight it to the death

I walked over and looked at him.

Bondrewd:little help?

I helped him up. Why am I attracted to this guy?


Bondrewd:so what's all this?

Salem:how is my Hound experiment going?

Bondrewd:right now...shit. Just let me use Summer Rose, she's the only one that can survive the process

Salem:no find another

Bondrewd:why are you protecting her you let me kill her and bring her back to life for fucks sake

Salem:I said no...I have other plans for her

Bondrewd:fine if that's everything! I'm going to go beat the shit out of Orphans to blow off steam! Good fucking day!

Neo pulled up her scroll.

Neo:can I go with...I'm board as fuck

Bondrewd:course ya can! Let's beat the shit out of them!

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Bondrewd and Neo getting hyped.


I opmed the door and saw Jeremy beating kids.

Bondrewd:Jeremy your off duty go get some coffee


He walked out.

Bondrewd:ok so you want me to go first or-oh shit...

She started brutally beating the ever living shit out them. She walked out with a little blodd on her face smiling.

Bondrewd:well I didnt bring my notes so fuck but I do have a that is somthing new about Bondrewd

Neo came back and held up her scroll.

Neo:I heard that

Bondrewd:I-I don't know what to do in this situation...I don't have the social skills to deal with this

Neo:my room now

She grabbed me.

Bondrewd:okay guess we're doing this now!

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi locked door with strange noises behind it.


Me and Neo walked out her room. That was the first time I've fucked for that long.

Neo:how long were we in there?

Bondrewd:three days...we have fucked non stop for three days...again the fuck is your biology!?

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