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Bondrewd:Subject 056-oh fuck it I'm just gonna call you PN

Bondrewd:Subject 056-oh fuck it I'm just gonna call you PN

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PN:yes sir

Bondrewd:what is your purpose?

PN:to do as you or Salem commands


PN:commit arson every chance I get

Bondrewd:YES! Come on let's get you some tiny food


Just then Jeffrey walked in.

Jeffrey:sir Salem wants you it's time for the Haven thing

Bondrewd:ah yes the Haven thing, PN pack your shit we're going to kill your old teammates



TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Bondrewd and PN being excited.


Bondrewd:how fucking long do we need to wait!?

Cinder:until Raven opens the portal

We stood silently until it opened. Cinder went through first.

Cinder:hello boys and girls

She stepped aside and I came through.

Bondrewd:g'day cunts!


Bondrewd:Qrow! My good man, hows the little offspring of Summer-oh there she is

Ruby got angry.

Bondrewd:before you get mad at me I have one more surprise for everyone! Meet NP!

She didn't come through.

Bondrewd:oh for fuck sake give me a minute

I went through and dragged her out.

Bondrewd:sorry she was dissecting a bug

All there faces turned to dread.

Bondrewd:ah that's the facial expressions I wanted

The doors behind them opened and Hazel walked in then closed them.

Hazel:White Fang is preparing demolition and securing the school grounds, no ones getting in and no ones getting out

He walked towards us.


He looked up at me.

Bondrewd:oh little blonde gonna cry?


PN blocked his attack.

Bondrewd:PN kindly fuck his shit up

She started laying into him with attacks.

Bondrewd:now who wants to fight me?


She rushed forward but I blocked her Scyth with my tail.

Bondrewd:alright let's get this out the way first

I one inch punched her back and ran after her. She regained herself and I dodged her attacks with ease. I ducked under on of her attacks.


I uppercuted her.

Bondrewd:come on your Mum put up way more of a fight!


She rushed back and I used my tail to jump and hang onto the wall.

Bondrewd:tell me somthing Qrow! Did you have any second thoughts about little Summer as you ran!?

Ruby looked over to him.

Bondrewd:oh you don't know!? The little birdy here abandoned you Mother and let me do what I wanted!

I jamp and kicked Ruby while she looked at Qrow.

Bondrewd:PN how you doing?

I looked over and saw her about to kill the blonde when Ruby yelled and done the fucking silver eye thing again!

Bondrewd:bitch! Oh shit PN!

I ran over and kicked the blonde aside.

Bondrewd:oh shit okay she's out of commissions for the rest of the fight, NEO!

She appeard in front.

Bondrewd:take PN get back to the castle while I finish these little fucks

She held PN and nodded then kissed my cheek.

Bondrewd:yes, yes love you too

She dissapeard.

Bondrewd:now where were we? Ah yes...

I charged up my eye lazer.

Bondrewd:these will be lodged firmly up you rectoms!

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