Haven part 2

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Bondrewd:come on get the fuck up you little shits!

I just finished kicking the asses of literally everyone. Including my side, Cinder, Raven and the bald one went down to open the vault.

Mercury:why did you hit us!?

Bondrewd:you got in the fucking way you robotic legged little basterd!

Emerald:doesn't matter as long as they don't get in

Bondrewd:oh yeah forgot to mention Yang got in a couple of minutes ago while I was breaking Qrow literally and figuratively look

He was on the floor curled up whispering to himself.

Bondrewd:I just said the words "pina colada" and now he's a broken man

Ruby stood up.

Ruby:why...? Why are you helping them!? My Dad told me what you were what you accomplished what happened?

Bondrewd:well I'm a murderous psycho path bent on making humanity stronger through genetic modification but the true reason...I can't fucking remember

Ruby:then tell me why you killed my mom...was it Salems orders?

Bondrewd:no actually I think I was just board

Her face turned to sadness.

Bondrewd:yep that's it. I was out walking one day found her, we caught up and then I stabbed the bitch thirty seven times in the chest...I also ate her hands. Salem went off on me for that one

She started crying.

Bondrewd:stop it...stop it...please stop...I will rip your eyes out if you don't

She didn't.

Bondrewd:okay where is my spoon?

I checked my pockets. Let's see dead rat, AK-47, trusty vault 13 canteen, an expired lottery ticket and a knife my Father left me...he got class. Then Emerald screamed for some reason and I saw Yang holding the relic.

Bondrewd:oh well we tried

Then Emerald done the hole illusion thing and it was a giant Salem.


I grabbed Emerald and Mercury. Hazel followed. Well one good thi g came out of this...Cinder fucking died. I am happy so happy...fuck it imma burn down a children's hospital.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Bondrewd burning down a hospital and watching people abandon cripples.


Salem:you lost the relic and Cinder

Yep she's mad.

Hazel:I take responsibility fo-

Salem:no... Bondrewd


Salem:what happened?

Bondrewd:honest answer...it was all Emeralds fault

Emerald:what? No he's the one who-

Bondrewd:kicked ass. Your the one who let Yang pass

Emerald:yeah only because you-


We looked at her.

Salem:Emerald who's fault really was it?

Emerald:it was...Cinder's

She sounded defeated. Nice.

Salem:Bondrewd accelerate your efforts on the Hound prototype and that little girl you brought back...don't do it again without my permission

I could tell she was pissed.

Bondrewd:as you wish...

I walked out to find Neo waiting with a...lusty smile.

Bondrewd:we got two hours

Neo:all we need

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