the Cat returns

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My scroll wrang. It was Neo.

Bondrewd:hey Neo

Neo:how are the kids?

Bondrewd:oh fine, fine had a little trouble with Kevin but I handled it oh and Door-*CRASH*

The window broke behind me and I turned around to see...that...fucking...CAAAAAT!!

Bondrewd:so you've returned...

Neo:Bondrewd what's happening?

Bondrewd:Neo if I die tell the kids I love Nina more than Door because I know he can do better

I hung up.

Bondrewd:alright you genetically altered feline fuck! This is the day we settle this shit! I got a budget increase so I can do anything I want...


Bondrewd:very well then...DIE BITCH


I charged him out the window and we fell. We started punching each other. I grabbed it and forced it down into the ground. Which made a rather large crator in the courtyard. I crawled out.



She was next to me.

Bondrewd:oh hey sweetie...nothing just an old rivalry-FUCK!

It jumped on me and started clawing. I threw it off and impaled it with my tail and held it in the air.

Nina:that isnt a real cat is it?

Bondrewd:one of my earliest creations...I've killed this thing so many times! It's getting old, HERE THAT WRITER! YOU LEAVE THIS SHIT FOR MONTHS AND THIS IS THE BEST YOU CAN THINK OF!!!??

Writer:I've been busy fuck head!

Nina:who is that!?


I split the cat down the middle with my tail.

Bondrewd:there it's over! Now for the love of fuck think of a better story!

Writer:I fucking will!

(Hello readers this isn't dead i know you all thought it was but it ain't. I'm planning on making this go a little further thank you for your patience)

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