final fight

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Port:and now the moment you've all been waiting for the one on one finals!

I stood next to the other finalists. Time to put my acting skills to good use.

Port:Barnny why don't you explain the rules

Obbleck:well it's quite simple Peter, instead of a bracket system each fight will be determined randomly immediately before the match takes place now let's see who our first fighters will be!

It landed on mine and Yangs name...this is gonna be a fucking blast.

Port:James Bond and Yang Xaiolong...will all other contents please leave the stage

The others left and me and Yang walked towards each other.

Yang:you better not go easy on me

Bondrewd:and you better be more entertaining than your mum!

Yang:how the-!?

Bondrewd:ding ding!

I went for a tail wipe  out it was met with her fist and we were both sent back. We charged at each other, I slid under her and she jumped over me. She started firing shots at me but I ran in a circle avoiding her. I go in and I let her punch me in the gut almost sending me out but I use my tail and launch myself back at her punching her in the face while rolling away. I got up and her hair went fiery.

Bondrewd:Bond...might of fucked up

I was hit with a barrage of punches and it broke my aura. I wish I could kill this bitch, now it's time to act.

Yang:how the hell do you know my mom!?

I got up.

Bondrewd:I know she was a skank

I turned around and was about to walk away when she attacked my tail and with it being robotic I bent it out of shape and held it.


Yang:that's what you get you little-

Gaurd:Yang Xaiolong get down on the ground!

I was laughing like maddy on the inside. Emerald came over.


Bondrewd:why did she do that!? I know she's a bitch but why God!

I was helped out the arena. We passed the ambulance and I saw Cinder in a nurse outfit.

Bondrewd:oh God the pain!

The doors closed.

Bondrewd:I think i see the light...mummy?

I got slapped my Neo.

Bondrewd:I was just milking it a little for fucks sake!

Emerald:just get up

I got up and fixed my tail. Neo turned me back to normal.

Cinder:well you all performed marvelously driver included

Neo smirked.

Bondrewd:alright what?

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Bondrewd and Neo killing Atlas gaurds.


Me and Neo were on the ship carrying Roman, so we flat out killed everyone. Neo grabbed his top hat and came and we opened the door.'s about time

He got out and took his things.

Roman:oh I didn't know how much I'd miss you two

He was talking to his top hat and cain. Neo frowned.

Roman:and the both of you now let's get thos party started!

Bondrewd:I've got music but I'll do it when we get to the bridge

Roman:oh I think I'm gonna like it

We got to the bridge and I turned it and destroyed the other two ships.

Roman:it is good to be back! So Bondrewd music?

Bondrewd:thought you'd never fucking ask...tonight's song is about an age old question...

I put in the CD.

(Stop the song when he sings "induction and destruction who wants to die")

Me and Roman start singing to it. Neo just nods her head and holds up a sign that says WAR every time its sung.

Roman:war has caused unrest in the younger generation!

Bondrewd: Induction and destruction! Who wants to die!?

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