Fall of Beacon

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Bondrewd:and we now own all Atlas Drones!

Roman:easy sailing from here!

Bondrewd:for you yes, I have another jog to do

I got up out the seat. Neo held up her scroll.


Bondrewd:below Beacon tower...I have to kill a bitch again!...can a borrow your parasol?

She threw me a black one.

Neo:it was ment to be a present

Bondrewd:appreciated I shall get you somthing once I'm back!

I jamp through the window and floated down.

Bondrewd:oh chim chimminy! Chim chim! Chim chim fuck you!

I kicked a Griffin in the face.

Bondrewd:a sweep is as lucky as lucky can be! Fuck you

I kicked another ring the face.

Bondrewd:fuck I love Marry Popins

I landed on somthing squishy...I looked down and saw the blonde haird kid...what was his name...Jaun that's it.

Bondrewd:you good?

I kicked him and he yelled.

Bondrewd:don't worry you'll be fine...probably

A Beowulf tried to attack me but I impaled it with the parasol.

Bondrewd:I see why Neo uses this...holy I could of been calling her Merry fucking Popins this hole time!

I threw the Grimm aside and walked toward the tower twirling the parasol.

Bondrewd:what should I get Neo?...a cat...ice cream...a Neapolitan colourd cat! Those exist right? Meh I just make one that lives for ever

I enter Beacon tower and go into the elevator and hit the elevator button for the ground level.

Bondrewd:how the fuck has no one found this I mean seriously it's a button labelled secret basement how dumb can you be?

The doors opened and I saw the machine...that I fucking built! Ozpin was there and the Maiden along with Pyhrra Nikos...the next Fall Maiden.

Bondrewd:Ozpin! You dumb wanker!

He turned around.

Ozpin:Bondrewd, you've grown

Bondrewd:yeah I'm not the little shit you remember I mean I can bring people back from the dead now so that's pretty tits...I see your putting my machine to good use

Ozpin:it was one of your greatest achievements and now your working for her

Bondrewd:well I get unlimited funding for my experiments and as I've been talking the maiden powers have been transferring to Pyhrra so let's stop that

I shot a vile from my tail and hit the Fall Maiden in the chest.

Bondrewd:that little fucker will extract her power and I will give it too...I don't know some random bitch I find in the street

Ozpin opens Phyrras door and she leaves.

Ozpin:I wish it didn't have to come to this

Bondrewd:well we don't all get what we want

I fired my laser and it split into multiple beams and they bunched off the walls straight towards Ozpin. He dodges and I use the smoke as cover and rush him with my tail. He avoids again but I'm able to kick him into a wall and I fire my laser again this time hitting him. He gets up and attacks but I block his with my tail then he gets an arrow in his knee. I look behind me and see Cinder.

Bondrewd:you little shit I'm gonna stab you so hard!

Cinder:Bondrewd go and get the Maiden power

Bondrewd:fine you little bitch...don't get to do shit round here

I mumbled as I walked to the machine and I pull the vile out killing the Maiden. I walked back over to Cinder and injected her with it. Her eyes glowed orange.

Bondrewd:your fucking welcome now...you, see you soon cunt

I stabbed Ozpin in the head with my tail.

Cinder:he'll be back

Bondrewd:then I'll kill him a third time...let's be off

We left and went in the elevator to the roof were the giant Dragon Grimm should be. We got there.

Bondrewd:ah my greatest creature! Did you miss me?

It licked me.

Bondrewd:who's a good boy, you are!

I petted him.

Cinder:please stop

Bondrewd:he's my fucking dragon, I'll do what I want!

The elevator opened again and out came...Pyhrra.

Cinder:let's finish this fast


We rushed her...she got her ass kicked I mean seriously it was just bullying at this point. She didn't even get to attack before she was on the floor without a leg...I got a little too excited. Cinder was about to kill her when I realized that she would be the perfect candidate for Grimm experiments. I stop Cinder.

Bondrewd:hold on a moment

Cinder:why? Have you grown a conscious?

Bondrewd:fuck no! I'm just gonna subject her to painful experimentation

Cinder:so the usual?


I kicked Pyhrra in the face and picked her up over my shoulder. I look to my left and see Ruby.

Bondrewd:Ruby! Perfect...wanna see your mum?

She screams and white light appeard from her eyes.


Bondrewd:ah piss

My dragon gets frozen,Cindsr is knocked out and I'm just dandy. I pick Cinder up and I look back ar Ruby.

Bondrewd:well this was a resounding success

I jamp off the tower and used my tail to slide down it. I reach the bottom and I begin walking to the ship that Emerald and Mercury stole. I stop when I see...Neo? Unconscious on the ground holding Romans hat and cane-oh fuck he's dead. Shit I liked him aswell.

I put Pyhrra in my tail and I picked Neo up. I walked until I reached the ship.


Bondrewd:oh yeah I'm fine you little shit...here

I threw her to Emerald.

Mercury:what happened?

Bondrewd:somthing I take great interest in...come on I need to rob a l
Pet store before we leave and maybe burn it down...who knows

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