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Ah Beacon so many fond memories here. Like my first Proffeser never walked again. I was surprised aboit Neo's semblance, she perfectly recreated my lizard tail. She even made me an outfit which I very much liked.

(Black lizard tail also black hair and purple eyes)

I was walking down one of the halls to our dorm. I burst our door open scaring Cinder and Neo.


Neo smiled and Cinder sighed.

Cinder:were you recognized?

Bondrewd:course not thanks to Neo's disguise

She nodded.

Bondrewd:and where are the little shits?


Bondrewd:do I have to do that?


Bondrewd:fuck! I already done this shit once! I'm not doing this again!

Cinder:too bad...we only have to do this until the end of the festival, our first match will be in a few days

I groaned.

Bondrewd:fine but if I kill someone before then...I dont know but there will be a corpse

Neo held up her scroll.

Neo:can I help?

Bondrewd:the more the merrier fuck it everyone dies!


She raised her fist and Cinder face palmed.

Cinder:you can kill as many as you want when the both of you break Roman free

Bondrewd:so that's what were doing?


Bondrewd:there are gaps in my vast knowledge this is hardly news

She sighed again and I back flipped into bed.

Bondrewd:wake me when class starts...but I'd prefer if you didnt

TIMESKIP brought to you by Neo waking up Bondrewd.


I was resting peacefully until...*poke*... *poke,poke* I grabbed the persons hand.

Bondrewd: continue to do that and I'll be taking your fingers...oh Neo it's you, let me guess class?

She nodded.

Bondrewd:well let's go

I jump off my bed and me and Neo. I then realised we would be with Goodwitch...yay. We arrived and fuck me Goodwitch some how got an even better ass...thank god I'm not into that shit. I sat down next to Neo and I noticed Ruby...this will be entertaining. Goodwitch started.

Goodwitch:good morning class, to start off today I would like to introduce two new transfer students from Mistrel please stand and state your name...

Neo stood up and held up her scroll.

Neo:my name is Nina nice to meet you

She went back down and elbowed me.

Bondrewd:ow name is Bonnnnnn-

What's a realistic...come on brain you brought people back from the dead but you cant think of a name!?

Bondrewd:-nnnd...James Bond

Really Bondrewd a name that obvious!? Fuck me! I sat back down.

Goodwitch:ok then...well mister Bond you will start off the class

I was confused.

Bondrewd:yes... what are we doing again?

Goodwitch:you will pick an opponent out of the other students

Bondrewd:oh...let me see...

I scanned the room and saw a guy in armour and brown hair.

Bondrewd:I'll fight the bug armourd fucker!

He looked at me with anger.

Brown hair:the fuck you just say to me!

Bondrewd:you def to ya cunt!

Goodwitch:enough...let's begin

We walked into the small arena and I got a better look of him. Blue eyes,large mace,bad sense in fashion and...dumb as a fucking rock. A Winchester!


He rushed me and I stepped to the side and tripped him up with my tail.

Bondrewd:my Oum your dumb as shit aren't you?

He got up.

Winchester:shut up you animal!

Bondrewd:you kiss your siblings with that mouth? I mean it's to be expected your entire family is inbred

He swung his mace again and I jumped and hung from the wall.

Bondrewd:nice mace did your boyfriend brother/cousin give it too you? Or was an heirloom from your Father/Uncle?

I jumped behind him and tail wipped him into the wall. He came running back out and I grabbed his mace and threw it away.

Bondrewd:come let's do this the old fashioned way!

I punched him in the balls. He fell over.

Bondrewd:Yeah! Dont fuck with Bond!

I jamp back up into the crowd.

Bondrewd:well if that's all I'll be off

I walk toward the exit.

Goodwitch:where do you think your going?

Bondrewd: somewhere that's not here!

I open the doors.

Bondrewd:fuck all of you other than Nina bye!

I then Michael Jacksoned my ass out the door and then I got smashed,committed some arson and now I'm asleep comfortably in my bed.

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