the betrayal

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Me and Neo walked into where the relic is being stored. We saw Hazel, Emerald and Oscar.

Bondrewd:well...this is a development

They turned.

Bondrewd:if your going to betray her, you might as well do it right...Jinn

Blue smoke came from the relic.

Oscar:how did you-?

Bondrewd:old Oz told me a few things

We walked next to them.

Emerald:why are you doing this?

Bondrewd:believe it or not I've come to my senses, ask whatever question you have

She apppeard.

Jinn:well hello again old man. Have another question for me?

He waved.

Hazel:actually I think all my questions are answerd now

Oscar:what will you do?

Hazel:what Gretchen would of done. And that starts with getting you far away

Bondrewd:well if no one's gonna ask, Jinn where are the blueprints to thw gun that can kill Salem dash 5 underscore fuck you Salem hash tag King Bob


Bondrewd:it was my youth I made mistakes

Jinn showed a picture.

Bondrewd:of's back at my family mansion

Neo:you have a mansion?

Bondrewd:yep, the house of Dawn

Oscar:can this gun really kill her?

Bondrewd:I don't fuckin know like I said blueprint not tested or built, I have no notes so I'm gonna have to improvise. Emerald mask us out.

We started moving with Hazel staying behind to do some fucking thing. Emerald changed Oscar to look like Hazel, everything was going fan dabby dozzy until we came across Salem. We stood to the side.

Salem:ah Hazel had you gotten what we need yet?

Oscar:I-I uh...

Just then the Seers wale.

Bondrewd:seems my security is working

Salem:we have guests-the lamp! Find them!

She flew off.

Bondrewd:okay I might told PN to take it

We kept going and ran into the Xailong kid.


Oscar:wait wait!

He returned to normal. They were happy.

Blonde:what's going on here?

Yang:why are you with them

Oscar:they helped me

Yang:why should we trust you?

Bondrewd:because I'm your best bet at killing Salem...and Neo's pregnant and Emerald is feeling bad

Oscar:she's what!?

Bondrewd:did I forget to mention that?

After a little catch up,threats, naughty words we finally started leaving.

Bondrewd:PN where are you?

PN:running for my life!

Bondrewd:meet us in the Northern hanger

When we got there PN was thrown through a wall into me.


I got her off and Salem came through.

They got ready to fight.

Bondrewd:no...get back I'll handle her

They hesitated.

Bondrewd:for the love of- PN you have all my knowledge get to my family home and find the blueprints for the Salem gun...should be under dear old mum

Neo looked up.

Bondrewd:I'll be fine woman go

They got on the bullhead.

PN:We can't just-

Bondrewd:go with Mummy PN Daddy's got some killing to do

PN:am I your daughter in this scenario?

Bondrewd:PN our group relationship can be described as kegs on Porn Hub now go

They left to find another exit.

Salem:you cannot kill me Bondrewd

Bondrewd:you forget Salem

I whistled and my dogs ran next to me growling.

Bondrewd:I am Bon Von wolfeschlegesteinhausenbergerdorff drewd, Current Lord of Dawn, beater of children, burner of houses, 20 time winner of Vales Gorden Ramsay look alike and act like contest and fucker of your shit! So I other words...

I spread my arms out and flash every weapon on me.

Bondrewd:come at me bitch!

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