Bondrewd vs Cat 2

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Bondrewd:hey Neo?

She looked up at me.

Bondrewd:I think I have an arson problem

She pulls up her scroll.

Neo:ya think?

We were standing in front of a burning building in Mistrel.

Neo:but I like it, kinda hot

Bondrewd: why thank-that was on purpose wasnt it?

Neo:pun intended

I felt something.

Neo:what is it?

Bondrewd:I feel a disturbance in the force

I turned around and saw the cat in a black robe with the hood up. It pulled out a double sided lightsabre which was red.

It took down its hood and holy shit it's a cat Darth Maul.

Bondrewd:fine Cat...

I took my coat off and pulled out my purple lightsabre with a curved hilt.

Bondrewd:bring it on bitch!

It flipped toward me and struck down but I parried it. We continued clashing with me using one hand. How the fuck did this thing survive the vacuum of space!? And learn this shit!? I just pulled this out my ass! That and I injected medoclorians into my blood. I got distracted and my hand was chopped off.

Bondrewd:ah you bitch! That'll take me five minutes to make a new one!

The cat holds the sabre up to my neck.

Bondrewd:if you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine

He kills me and the real me shows up behind him.


I shoot the cat in the back of the head.

Bondrewd:why didn't I do that sooner a waste of a perfectly good clone

Neo walked over.

Neo:what the fuck was that?

Bondrewd:oh yeah I guess the cat lived so I made a clone. Chances are the cat has done the same he knows my every move but I will win this war even if kills clones not me

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