the End?

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Been about a month since we got here, I have made steady progress on the weapon, the blueprints were under dear old Mums corpse in my room. I'm about half way done, rwby and the rest of them have moved in temporarily, I told the Bondlings to shit in their food. What? I have a conscience but I'm still gonna fuck with people I'm Bondrewd after all. Oh and Neo's belly got bigger so I am preparing to be a Father.

Bondrewd:so if it cries I shake the shit out of the thing?

PN:no...gently rock them

Bondrewd:ah I was close ill-ill get this eventually I just need more practice, hold this

I passed her a radioactive bullet with my tail while I worked on the weapon.

PN:is this safe?

Bondrewd:your immortal it's perfectly fine

PN:and you?

Bondrewd:honey I've been exposed to more radiation than the people still living in Chernobyl

The door to my lab broke down.

Ruby:she's here!

Bondrewd:FUCK! Get Jaun!


Bondrewd:reasons! Just do it!

He got here.

Jaun:what is it?

Bondrewd:take these

I threw him my spare clothes and helmet.

Bondrewd:stall her!

Jaun:how am I ment to do that!?

Bondrewd:read the script I have prepared and use each of these special affects

PN:we've already gone over budget with the cat!

Bondrewd:I have savings we'll be fine! Now go and do your best British accent! The suit will take care of the rest


Salem was outside with an army of Grimm behind her. She was on another whale thing. Jaun dressed as Bondrewd walked out.

Jaun:Okay...Salem! Uh...I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR PALE SKINNED ASS GETTING IN MY WAY! I'm not saying the rest

Neo:(distant)do it pussy!

He sighed.

Jaun:IF YOU LEAVE I WONT FUCK EVERY HOLE YOU GOT! Who came up with this?

Salem was now on the ground.

Jaun:well it seems you decided to fight! I warn you though, I'm stronger than last time! EAT BOLT GUN!

He tried shooting the Bolt gun but he missed and it blasted him back into the Mansion.

Wiess:were all going to die

Jaun:this is part of the script by the way

He ran back out.

Jaun:okay you got me there but I'm not using my full power!

He ran at Salem.


It did nothing.


Salem grabbed him slamming him into the ground a few times and throwing him.back into the Mansion.

Jaun:how much longer...?

Blake:he said an hour


He got back up and outside.

Salem:give up

Jaun:never...I still have one trick up my sleeve, for you see this isn't even my final form

He roared and a golden aura appeard around him.

Jaun:this is Golden Bondrewd!

The black parts of his suit turned gold. He went punch again but the gold dissapeard.

Jaun:oh no...what happend!

Bondrewd:we ran out of money! Copy rights fucked us!

Salem:don't tell me...

Salem took the helmet off of Jaun. She sighed.

Salem:stalling? Really? vanish!

He threw a smoke bomb down and ran.

Jaun:I'm done now right...?

Bondrewd:yes the weapon is complete, I shall take it from here

He walked out and faced Salem.

Salem:are you the real one?

Bondrewd:is Professor Magonigal a fuckin cat?

Salem:you know you can't kill me. No matter-*BANG!*

Salem got shot in the head by Bondrewd who was holding a small gun.

Salem got shot in the head by Bondrewd who was holding a small gun

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Salem fell and the Grimm dissapeard.

Bondrewd:well that was anti climactic...hey guys we won!

Jaun:thank fuck!

They all came out.

Bondrewd:now what?


Well after the epic defeat of Salem Remnant began to rebuild, I gave Ruby her Mother back, even if she is just a vegetable now and I fund an orphanage for children. Turns out and Neo had twins I wanted to call them Von BonhigenschilderDrewd and Von BonveichlefniferDrwed. We called them Nina and Bondrewd Jr. What am I doing as a job? Ozpin made me Head of Beacon! Mainly because Oscar is still a child and I kinda stole it. That's the jokes, no Bondrewd shenanigans. This is my happy ending. Thank you...

Fucking Cat

(Should I continue into the next generation of Bondrewd?)

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