plan of action

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Bondrewd:so you want me to do what?

Hellhound2356:I want you to collect all RWBY oc's except from team FLAR I didn't get the approval of the others

Bondrewd:you want Orochi, Zed and Shadow in there?

Hellhound2356: definitely Zed he will be the only boy from Rwby in this and ni Shadow he's like Serpant way to OP

Bondrewd:alright okay so Zero,Seeker,Indo, Shriek,Gojin,Dawn,Haven,DZ,Zed and Dio right?

Hellhound2356:yep go get em

A portal opened.

Bondrewd:ah shit here we again

I walked through. I found Zed at a dinner table.

Bondrewd:g'day cunt

I knocked him.

Bondrewd:have him back in minute

I walked back through and threw Zed down. I done this to basically everyone. Indo was the hardest since Ripper was controlling him. And DZ and Haven they were fucking terrifying.

Bondrewd:that's all of em including the giant fuckin murderous robot

Hellhound2356: great now I'm going to wipe your memories and place you in a wasteland have fun and to the readers yes this is happening the first part of this will be out either today or tomorrow bye,bye

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