first battle

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We were in the middle of a...pretty shit fight if I'm honest. We already eliminated two of them. Emerald shot one out and I dropped kicked a guy into Neo who eliminated him...and as I was explaining that Cinder got the other. We all stood in front of the last. Emerald wrapped her chains around him and tripped him up, Neo walked over,bent down and smiled and moved back as I had just jumped in the air and came down on him creating a small crater in the ring. I stepped off him.

Bondrewd:I think I crushed his wind pipe?

I stepped on him again and he grunted.

Bondrewd:no he's for the road

I kicked him one final time and we left. Nei held up her scroll.

Neo:who is going to the next round?

Cinder saw it.

Cinder:Bondrewd, Emerald don't disappoint me...oh and find out the other teams duos aswell

Emerald:we will

Bondrewd:wouldn't be my first time stalking people for research...

They all looked at me.

Bondrewd:what? I've done worse, I have fucking orphans in the basement if the castle and subject them to in human experimentation for fucks sake!

Neo and Cinder headed back to the dorm and me and Emerald started looking around for Rwby as they were the only team we actually knew or Emerald knew.

Emerald:okay listen stay here I'll get the Intel

Bondrewd:and what am I supposed to do? Twiddlie my dick unt-is that a children's toy?

She held a small tube in her hand and gave me it.

Emerald:put it to your eye and twist it

I did so.

Bondrewd:like this will ev-colures and patterns to which like I've never seen

I felt high as fuck!


Now that he's distracted I walked behind Ruby and snagged her money.

Emerald:might be hard to eat without this?

She turned around and started checking her pockets. I fake laughed.

Emerald:good to see you Ruby

Ruby:oh thanks Emerald. Sorry I guess I dropped it girl pockets are the worst

She took it back and her team walked over.

Yang:good to see ya Em

Time for the act.

Emerald:just got back from the stadium after seeing your amazing fight you guys were awsome!

Ruby blushed a little.

Ruby:oh stop it...

Blake:I heard your team progressed to the next round too?

Wiess:you know I never think weve seen your other teammates

Yang:how did they do in the fight?

I thought back to when Bondrewd landed on some guy creating a crater.

Emerald:really well

Ruby:that's great why don't we all go get somthing to eat together?

Damn it.

Emerald:oh gosh that's so nice of you but my teammates are all kind of...

I looked back and Bondrewd who was still playing with that toy I gave him.

Bondrewd:well I'm out of combinations

He stopped and threw it away and it hit a guy on his head knocking him out.

Emerald:introverted. Really socially awkward

Yang:oh yeah I can see that

Emerald:so yeah looks like me and Bond are moving onto the doubles round, what about you guys?

Ruby:well as leader I thought hard and long about this decision-

Weiss popped in.

Wiess:we put it too a vote

Ruby:but I decided we put it to a vote

Blake:it was Wiess and Yang

I looked over to them.

Wiess:I will happily represent team RWBY in the tournament

Yang:yeah we're gonna kick some butt!

She slammed her fists together.

Emerald:well if me and Bond see you out there don't think we'll go easy on ya...well me and Bond are gonna catch some more fights

Ruby:have fun!

They walked away and I turned and walked toward Bondrewd who was hanging upside down using his tail on a stall eating noodles.

Bondrewd:g' are the knew friends?

Emerald:its just how can they be so happy all the time!?

He threw the bowl away and jamp down.

Bondrewd:ah the young so innocent,so fragile I swear to you I will have one and do what I usually do

We started walking.


Bondrewd:well yes but actually no. I'm going to use them as new Hound experiments...Salem won't let me use Summer

Emerald:I thought you killed her?

Bondrewd: physically no but mentally yes. I broke her down to the smallest pieces and now she's nothing more than...a broken computer that you'll get round to fixing eventually

We walked back to the dorm and Bondrewd instantly fell over.

Emerald:what the fuck?

Neo went down and check his pulse. She held up her scroll.

Neo:he lives

Cinder:his body is worn out he needs rest...Neo help him

Neo carried him into his bed and kissed his forehead?


She held up a sign.

Neo:he's cute when he sleeps

Mercury:but he has a helmet on

Neo:I can still imagine

I sighed. This is gonna be a long couple of days.

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