Secrets x Revealed

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"ANSWER ME IDIOT ARE YOU MY BROTHER?" I violently shook Gitarackur and my hands starting heating up. "My shoulders are starting to burn... sister." Gitarackur responded.

I stopped shaking him and I took my hands off of his now burnt shirt. Gitarackur stood up, I never realized how tall he actually was he towered over me just like Hisoka, he looked down at me and started taking off his pins. His face started turning into this mess type shit and then a completely different person was shown. They had long black hair and eyes that were really wide but showed disappointment in them.

"Hello sister, we haven't officially met. I'm your elder brother, Illumi Zoldyck." Illumi looked down at me and his eyes pierced through mine. "I-illumi?..." Illumi looked at me and then walked over to Hisoka and slapped him. "I don't need you announcing my real identity, I was gonna tell her now. You're not apart of this family so don't try to make it your business, Hisoka."

Hisoka hummed and then walked over to me. "I'm sorry darling it slipped out~ But now you know 2 of your siblings~" Hisoka caressed my face and held my hand. "You should put those back until someone walks in that door." Hisoka insisted.

"Oh yeah I forgot." Illumi cluelessly responded. He started putting the needles back in his face and his face started forming back to the previous state. "Doesn't that hurt?" I asked. "To a normal person yes but to us it wouldn't. Father has put us through so much that I wouldn't even be surprised if you could handle wearing these like how I do."

I tilted my head up a bit and looked at him in the eye. "Why are you here in a disguise and why didn't you tell me who you were?" I pleaded.

"I'm looking after someone and I was going to eventually but if I revealed myself you would've went and told our brother." Illumi chackled. "I'm guessing you're looking after Killua?"

He stayed quite so I took that as a yes. Illumi started to walk away to the other side of the room and he stayed quiet while Hisoka started playing with my hair. Through time Illumi just started playing with his pins and Me and Hisoka were talking about random stuff.

*time skip 10 hours*

I lifted my head up from Hisoka's chest after I took a nap. "How many people are here now?" I asked while looking around. "About 14 people have came in so far dear~" Hisoka responded.

When the other people heard Hisoka's voice they all started whispering.

"He finally talked"

"Is that girl a hostage? Do you think he made her come here?"

"That girl looks too young to be his boyfriend, I told you he's single... He's just scary!"

The last comment caught my eye, I turned my head to see 2 beautiful girls. They both look around Hisoka's age more or less, they had beautiful faces and a body that one could only dream of. Once they saw me turn my head they started waving and one of them blew a kiss. 'Are they looking at me or Hisoka?' I wondered

"Hey handsome! Come over here!" One of the girls yelled out. Hisoka chuckled, I felt my heart hurt a bit. "Y-you're not gonna go r-right?" I asked him, I put my head down on his chest but he took me off and sat me next to him.

'Why did he do that? Does he like those girls? I shouldn't stress out over this it's not like me and him are dating or anything.' I tried to calm down the bloodlust I had for those 2 girls but Hisoka noticed it.

"Don't worry dear~" Hisoka got up and threw me over his shoulder, my ass getting revealed to literally everyone there. Hisoka smacked my ass and I moaned a bit. I felt him walk over to where the girls were and he crouched down.

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