Trip x to x AiAi

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^ creds to bbdubie, i thought that was so cute :)


Once we got back to the cabin I sat down on a chair in the kitchen while Hisoka went to go change in the room. They all kept looking at me weird.

"What are you guys looking at? Also why are you guys here? It's dangerous!" I slightly scolded them and they all sweat dropped.

"Well for starters why are you here, oneesan?! Also that baby looks too real and finally why is Hisoka's name under Chrollo?" Killua asked while walking over to the fridge and pulling out some grapes.

"I'm here because Hisoka wants to look for a Nen exorcist for Chrollo and that's also why he has his name on here. The troupe already came and they're looking for the same thing." I explained and they all nod.

"Okay but that still doesn't explain why you and Hisoka are in a cabin with a fake child. Are you guys playing house?! Can I be the uncle!?" Gon asks while getting up all excited.

"No. It's his little obsession with this fucking baby doll which thank you little girl that you fixed it because he was annoying me. But it's just his little obsession." I sigh and hear footsteps behind me.

"Darling be more gentle with Ace. See now he's all fixed and just as cute as he was before!" Hisoka poked Ace's cheek and then started poking my cheek.

He kept on poking my cheek for a few seconds until I moved my head and tried to bite him. He flinched but put his finger up to my mouth again.

"Bite me darling~" He teased while rubbing his finger across my lips. I bit his finger and heard a groan come from his mouth. He slightly bit his lip and I got butterflies in my stomach.

"You idiot. Take the damn child and go feed him or something." I hand Hisoka the doll and he gives it back to me.

"We breastfeed our children!" He exclaims. Everyone in the room went quiet and he had a little smile on his face.

"No we don't." I retort while throwing the baby doll across the room. It landed in a puddle of water a few meters away from us.

Hisoka ran over to it and started drying it off while I turned my attention back to them.

We talked about what they were doing here and how they needed to get to this place called Plot of the beach to get a card that they needed to complete the game. They invited us to go and I accepted it.

"Hisoka darling, can you go get the back of our clothes and shit, please?" I plead Hisoka who was holding the wet baby doll in his hands.

"Darling you know I would but... Ace is dripping water right now I'm afraid he's going to get sick. Can you dry him off please?" He plead while shoving the baby in my face.

I took it from him and started heating it up. Once it was dry I kept it going in hopes of 'accidentally' burning it.

"YOU'RE GOING TO BURN IT, ONEESAN!" Gon yells while taking the doll away and cradling it. I looked at him wide eyed while he was protecting the baby.

"Not you too..." I sighed. I got up and walked over to the bedroom to get the bag myself and I came back to see Gon talking to the doll.

"I should've burned that doll the first time I saw it..." I muttered to myself while swinging the door open.

"Alright let's go wherever you guys need to go. Lead the way." I motioned my hand for them to go in front and they all walked out. I closed the door behind me and Gon came up to me while cradling the doll.

"We're going to go to AiAi first! Hisoka said we can meet all kinds of people over there!" Gon exclaimed while talking out a card.

"All kinds of people? Maybe I can find someone who can get rid of that rag doll." I commented and saw Hisoka pout.

"Accompany on, AiAi!" Gon yelled and we all got transported to this city that was basically valentine's day year round.

Gon handed me the doll and then went running off with Killua to go get some cotton candy.

I started looking around and someone bumped into me. It was a man who was really attractive but too attractive...

"Ah, sorry dear. I guess I just got blinded by your beauty!" He compliment while taking out a rose from thin air. I gave him a weird look and showed him the baby I had in my arms.

"Guess you can say I'm a milf right?" I retorted. The man stood there cluelessly and walked away. All of these cliches were NPC's... anyone who fell for this shit must be dumb.

"Here, let me help you up. You have such a cute baby with you... Care to put both of our children in an arena and make them fight to the death?" I heard Hisoka's voice come a few feet away from me.

I saw him helping up a woman who had a child in her hands. I walked over to him and looked at the woman.

"Oh no! Is this your wife? It's such a shame she had to find out this way!" The NPC gives out a cliche response.

I grab Hisoka's hand and start dragging him away from her. "You idiot! Most of the people here are NPC's!" I scolded him and he just gave me a straight face.

"NPC's or not, Ace needs to challenge someone. I can't let my child grow up to be someone who's useless." Hisoka retorted while taking the doll away from me. He started walking in front of me with sass while showing the doll every single fucking attraction.

After we walked through the city we got literally nothing. Gon suggested that we go see this person named Tzesguerra that was also sent into the game.

"Wait, before we leave can you take a picture of us real quick?" Hisoka asks Killua while handing him his phone.

"Uh okay sure..." Killua grabs the phone and I feel Hisoka pull me closer to him.

He gives me the doll and starts smiling at the camera. I gave out a little smile as well and saw the flash go off.

"This is so weird. Why do you want a picture of my sister holding a baby doll..." Killua asked while handing the phone back to Hisoka.

"To show our future children of course~" Hisoka replies while giving off a little smirk. I roll my eyes and go up to Gon.

"Let's go to that Tzesguerra guy already..." I plead while having a tired expression.

i feel like this chapter sucks omg, the greed island arc was a bit confusing so i'm gonna cut it short to save u guys the trouble of this writing 😀

- meli - chan

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