Ending x The x Journey

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The picture frame of mine and Hisoka's wedding was the last thing that went into the box before we sealed it up.

"That's the last box?" Ace asks while picking it up and moving it to the truck. Harlequin started pushing the last boxes to make space for this one.

"Yeah, just be careful with it. That's the box with all of the wedding stuff including some pictures." I let Ace know and he carefully sets it in the moving truck.

"Darling, did you throw away my little clown plushie?! I can't find it any where! Hug me." Hisoka ran up to me getting on his knees so he could hug my waist.

I looked down at him and move some of his bangs out of his face. "I already packed them, don't worry. You're lucky that Harlequin didn't throw it away."

"The arm was about to fall off and the stuffing is coming out! It needs to go!" She yelled at Hisoka. Hisoka just put his face under my shirt and put his cheek up to my stomach.

"I miss whenever they weren't able to talk... Harlequin is so mean now." Hisoka whined. I pulled up my shirt so he could move his head.

"Get up, idiot. We have to start driving to the house." I pushed Hisoka off of me so he could stand up. He stood up and immediately gripped onto my hand, refusing to leave my touch.

"Why do we have to leave? This is the house where Ace and Harlequin grew up in. It's such a cute neighborhood too!" Hisoka exclaimed while pointing down the road where the sign of a McDonald's was.

"Exactly, that's it. Now since they both moved out, we can move to the mansion now." I got into the car with Ace and Harlequin in the back.

The moving people offered to drive the moving truck to the house so, we let them do that.

"Move your fucking leg dumbass!" Harlequin smacked Ace's leg so she could have space. Ace looked at her and touched her arm.

We heard her teeth chattering together and I looked back to see her holding her arms together trying to get warm again.

"M-mom, A-ace froze m-me..." She shivered and curled up into a ball. I glared at Ace and touched her leg so, she could warm up.

"Stop freezing your sister, damnit! Harlequin, move your fucking leg you guys aren't babies anymore." I fixed myself back on the passenger seat and put my feet up on the dash board so I could pull up my mid-thighs.

"Isn't that a bit hypocritical?" Hisoka looks over to me while laying a hand on my thigh. I roll my eyes and clip the garter belts back on them.

"I believe what dad is saying is true. You told us to move our legs, but then you put yours on the dashboard." Ace remarked while flipping to the next page of his book.

"I AGREE WITH ACE AND DAD! MOVE YOUR FEET!" Harlequin yelled out and I felt something pull down my legs.

I used Gyo and saw a red line attached to my leg pulling them down. I looked back at Harlequin and started waving my hand in hopes of hitting her.

"I'm going to beat your ass once we stop to eat!" I threaten Harlequin and she keeps on hitting my hand. I felt an arm grab onto my waist and pull me down back into my seat.

"Sit down, my love. I already gotten a ticket because of you and Harlequin quarreling in the car." Hisoka sighed while pulling into the Spider's parking lot that was busy as usual.

Once we found a parking spot I immediately got out of the car and threw a fireball at Harlequin. She caught it was her revised version of Bungee Gum and growled at me.

"You always do this! It isn't fair! Why can't I have a head start?!" Harlequin threw the fireball back at me.

I moved to the side and just stood there with my arms crossed. "Dad, they're doing it again." Ace called out to Hisoka. Hisoka held out both of his fingers and pulled us to him.

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