The x Hostages

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After the lights went out I looked around and saw everyone look around. Their eyes weren't adjusted to the dark. I looked over at Killua and Gon and saw that Killua got out of the ties.

He broke Pakunoda's arm and then Gon kicked Pakunoda in the face. After a few seconds of them running around Machi held Killua in her arms while Nobunaga held Gon but one of his ankles.

The lights were still off and I started walking towards them but then saw a knife come towards Nobunaga.

"Oi! Move it idiot!" I pull Nobunaga's hand to avoid him from being decapitated and the knife hits the wall behind him.

"Where's the boss?" Shizuku asked and I started looking around.

"Shit... Y/N, take them." Nobunaga hands me Gon's ankle. I take his ankle and flip him back around and look at him.

"Are you okay? He didn't hurt you right?" I ask Gon's whose eyes were going side to side. Gon was having trouble on his balance but he giggled a bit.

"It felt like I was on a rollercoaster!" Gon giggles a bit while finally regaining his balance again. I look over at Killua who gives me a nod and I sigh out of relief.

The lights flick back on and I see Phinks, Feitan and Shalnark walk in. Feitan walks up to me and looks at my hand.

"Is your hand okay?" He asks while glaring at Gon and Killua. They give him dirty stares back and he just scoffs.

"As if it was never broken!" I smile and he nods. He leans on me and starts hugging me while Gon gives him a look of disgust.

"Get off of her! You guys probably have some sort of disease!" Gon tries to push Feitan off of me while using his feet but Feitan dodges every one of them.

"Don't mind him. Just here read the note that the chain user left." Nobunaga hands the note to Feitan and he starts reading it.

"Why didn't you go after him?" Feitan asks while passing the note to Phinks.

"Machi and Paku were injured!" Nobunaga snaps while placing his hand on his sword and trying to keep calm.


"So, he has allies who are pro hunters..."


"Come on! Read between the lines damnit! It means we can use these kids as hostages!" Nobunaga concludes while pointing to Gon and Killua.

"Don't even think about hurting them, though..." I let some of my bloodlust leak out and Nobunaga steps back a bit and gives out an aggressive sigh.

"We won't hurt them. We just need to get the boss back and that's it." Nobunaga announces and I bring Killua closer to me along with Gon.

The phone rings and we all looks at Phinks with a surprised face. He answers the phone and the first words to leave his mouth were, "Are you the chain user?" Phinks got the troupe's attention immediately and he started listening to whatever Kurapika had to say.

"Can I ask you something? It's about your second demand... See the hostages starting putting up a bit of a fight and we had to break a few bones." Phinks snickered and then his mouth opens.

We all hear the beeping noise from the phone indicating that Kurapika hung up. I walked over to Phinks and snatched the phone away from him and started calling Kurapika back.

"Tch, I'm sorry about him, he thought it would be funny to say that shit. Gon and Killua are safe..." I say while waiting an answer from Kurapika.

"Y/N... Are you okay? Did they make you join?" I hear Kurapika's worried voice through the phone and my heart starts to ache a bit.

"Kurapika... I'm okay and I'll tell you later. Right now what do you want us to do?" I ask him and he starts telling me to put Pakunoda on the phone.

"Here Paku, it's for you." I hand the phone to Paku and she takes it and then looks at Feitan who got closer to her trying to hear. She shoo'd him away with her hand and he tch'd while walking over to me and hugging me again.

"Aw, what happened little fei fei?" I ask him. He let's go of me and looks at me in the eyes. "I think they treat me like a kid." He says while going behind me and hugging me from behind.

Pakunoda starts leaving and Phinks tries to go up to her but Nobunaga stops her. "Let her go by herself. In the mean time we're all going to stay in the hideout."

They started arguing about whether to go, in the middle of their arguing Shizuku made Nobunaga passed out and then we all concluded just to go back to the hideout.

Once we get to the hideout I see the other troupe members are there along with Hisoka. We told them everything that happened. I let Gon and Killua out of their ties and told them that they could stay in a corner and play some cards away from everyone else.

"Cards hm? When I have a child I want to make them Ace~." Hisoka comes up to me and I feel a mixture of emotions. Ever since he pulled that little toxic stunt shit and I disobeyed him and joined the troupe we haven't talked much.

"You don't seem like the type of person to have a child and take good care of it, Hisoka. We all know how you are with children." I responded and saw he wasn't paying attention to me.

"Oi! I'm talking to you damnit what are you looking at?!" I try to get his attention but he had his gaze locked on something behind me. I looked over and saw him staring at Gon and Killua playing slapjack.

Gon and Killua notice and they get the cards and move to a different section. Hisoka pouts a bit and directs his attention back to me.

"I'm sorry, darling it was just so fascinating seeing them play that childish little game~" He smiled a bit and I looked away.

"Stop calling me that. You cheated on me with that Violet bitch and then said you loved me the other day. I wasn't even gonna leave you until you pulled that fucking stunt!" A little bit of my bloodlust starts to leak out and I feel my palms start to heat up.

"Not only that but you left me when I was asleep for days. Then you tell me that you're in fucking YorkNew and tell Chrollo that if he brings me in I'll do a job. What the fuck is wrong with you, damnit..."

The whole troupe looks at me with their eyes widened due to the bloodlust that's surrounding me. Hisoka looked at me wide eyed and then placed his hand on my arm.

"Darling... I'm not one to say this but calm down." He moved his hand down to mine and slowly pulls me down. I see Gon and Killua out of the corner coming my way but keeping their distance.

"Oneesan, are you okay?" Gon asks while having a worried expression of his face. Killua's eyes were widened out of pure fear and I felt my heart sank. My bloodlust slowly calmed down and I averted my gaze from them.

Hisoka pulled me closer to him and started rubbing my back. "You look so beautiful when you're mad, my love..." Hisoka whispered while planting a small kiss on my forehead.

'I love this bastard but this shit is so toxic... So fucking toxic...' I thought to myself while gripping onto Hisoka tighter.

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