Grandpa x Father x Brother

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I hung up the call and saw Illumi put his phone back in his pocket. "What are you guys doing here?" I yelled out from across the street.

They all started making their way towards me and they all looked at me. "We just wanted to visit you. We did get a call that you came back miraculously but we never saw you." Grandpa Zeno explains.

I give him a hug and he chuckles a little. "Something is different about you, maybe being dead for almost 5 years did something!" Grandpa Zeno chuckled and I waved at Silva and Illumi.

We started walking back to the restaurant and Alluka looked up. "Oneesan- Oh..." Alluka furrowed her brows and got up.

"I'm going to the employee's only room." She stated while walking to the back. Silva sighed and stood by the podium where I would give people their tables.

"It really isn't much of an employee only room is other people use it right?" Illumi says while pushing some of his hair back.

I stayed quiet and went to get 3 menus. I guided them to the table getting looks from all the costumers who were there.

"Killua or Gon come and take their orders pleas-"

"You're hiding something from us. What is it?" Silva asks while opening the menu and examining the different options.

"Huh? Even if I am why do I have to tell you?" I snap back and Killua comes up to the table. "It's okay oneesan, you go take it easy for the baby. I'll take their orders!" Killua exclaims while pulling out his notepad.

"Okay, what can I get for you guys!" Killua had a smile on his face but they were all shocked. They all looked at me and I sighed.

"Get them all 3 shots of whiskey please..." I asked Killua while sitting down next to Grandpa Zeno.

"You're pregnant?" Silva asks while looking through the menu still. "Yes, and they're not going to be anywhere near your wife. Kalluto and Alluka are much happier now that they have been separated from Kikyo. I'm not going to let my child be anywhere near that bitch."

Zeno raises his eyes brows a bit and starts chuckling. "You are responsible for them after all. At least let them come see their great grandpa. You should name them Zeno Zoldyck!" Zeno smirks to himself while nodding.

"Well, since Hisoka is most likely the father then they would be named Zeno Morow. Unless for some reason Y/N wants her child to have the Zoldyck last name." Illumi explains while looking through the menu as well.

"Zeno Morow? That sounds a bit weird to me." Zeno rolls his eyes and starts tapping on the menu like an annoyed little kid.

"I'm not naming them Zeno! Sorry, grandpa but I already have a few names in mind! Also, they probably have both of our last names..." I explain and Killua comes with a tray of 9 shots.

"Here you go... the shots you ordered." Killua started putting 3 shots in front of them and I look at him. "I only said 3 shots for them."

Killua chuckles a bit and gives me a nervous smile. "They looked like they needed 3 shots each!"

"While you're here, Kil... Can we all get just the fried calamari appetizer." Illumi says while passing him the menus.

"No wait, Killua, add on a Killua and Gon kids meal! I want to eat something good... maybe that woman across from there~" Zeno smirked while winking to an old woman that was on another table.

"Agh... I'll bring your order soon." Killua had a disgusted face on and started walking to the back where the kitchen was.

"So... are you really going to keep it?" Silva asks while putting a hand on one of the shots. I looked at him and nodded.

"Yes, I'm gonna fucking keep it. I told that dumbass clown I wanted a child!" I slightly raised my voice and Silva sighed. He took 2 shots back to back and started rubbing his forehead.

"And it had to be the clown..." Silva took his last shot of whiskey and started looking out the window while crossing his arms. Zeno was low key flirting with the old woman across from us.

"Well, now that you know the news I'm going to get back to work. Killua will be out shortly with your food." I got up and started walking back to the podium. Once I got there and turned to my side and saw Illumi standing right there.

"What is it?" I ask him while fixing the menus. He walks up to me and I look up at him. Illumi goes down on his knees and puts his ear next to my stomach.

"I'm going to protect you... I don't want you to end up like how we did..." Illumi whispered to my stomach. He got up and started walking back to his table.

I let out a saddened sigh and looked ahead. "Welcome to Sp-"

"Spider's. Yes, I know. I built this place. The special thing about this place is that only members of the Phantom Troupe or close acquaintances can work here, I didn't think that troupe members could rise from the dead though."

My eyes widened a bit and I smiled. "Hey, Chrollo." I went up to him and hugged him. He hugged me back and fixed his suit.

"It's a surprise to see you, Y/N. I already heard the news. Shalnark called me while crying saying to come to the restaurant immediately because you had gotten pregnant and I had to see it with my own eyes." Chrollo explained while looking at my stomach.

"Though, there isn't much to look at... You look normal. Are you sure you have a baby? I think something is wrong." Chrollo looked at different angles for some time.

"It's not even a baby, it's literally fucking cells or something I don't know. In a few months it'll start to show, which also means in a few months I'll have to take like a 6 month break from work!" I exclaim while smiling.

Chrollo nods his head and starts walking towards the kitchen. Once he opens the door he stands there with his eyes widened and I walk over to see what had happened.

"I TOLD YOU THAT YOU'RE IN CHARGE OF STIRRING THE SOUP AND FRYING STUFF! WE CAN'T SERVE THIS TO THE COSTUMERS!" Nobunaga yelled at Phinks who was desperately keeping a plate of pale chicken away from his reach.

"THEY HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR AN HOUR! I SEASONED IT WITH SALT AND PEPPER IT SHOULD BE FINE!" Phinks yelled back and Nobunaga grabbed a knife. He threw it at the chicken making it get impaled to the wall.

"Hisoka! Pass me that entree that is over there!" Nobunaga pointed to one of the entrees that Hisoka made and he handed it to him.

"YOU SEE THIS? THIS IS HOW CHICKEN SHOULD LOOK LIKE! YOU SEE HOW IT HAS COLOR IN IT!" Nobunaga kept on yelling back and forth with Phinks.

I checked the time and it was about to be 6 pm already. "Hisoka, let's go. We have to stop by the pharmacy and get some vitamins and shit."

*time skip 4 months*

hey guys ok so i'm actually having a bit of fun writing this whole pregnancy shit so i might make another like 7 chapters maybe or 10 i don't know... anyways i'm sorry to say that at this point in the story making Y/N sleep with someone is... well you know so i might make a filler chapter of her sleeping with feitan or shalnark.

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