The x Phantom x Troupe

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Once we arrived to the auction they made me sit down in the crowd so whenever Franklin would shoot out his nen bullets, me and Shizuku would clean up the mess.

Getting in was a hassle though....

*flashback 10 minutes ago*

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T SEE MY NAME? MY FIANCÉ IS ANNOUNCING THE AUCTION!" I started making a ruckus. The people at the front of the auction kept looking for my fake name which wasn't there.

"I-I'm sorry miss but we don't find a... Violet ValBitch anywhere here...." They kept looking and I just walked into the stadium.

"M-Miss you ca-"

"She is with me." Feitan came out from the door that lead to the backstage. He grabbed my hand and started leading me to the backstage.

"Thanks Feitan, once Franklin is about to shoot cover your ears so I can take cover okay?" I make a peace sign with my hands and hop down from the stage and make my way to the rows.


"Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Let us do without a formal greeting... You all die now." Feitan then covered his ears and I ducked down and heard Franklin's nen bullets.

The people next to me and beside me were dropping like crazy. This was only a tiny part of the Phantom Troupe...

'Kurapika wants to massacre all of them... Unless his chains really are something else then he has no chance.'

Once I heard the nen bullets stop I peeked head up and saw Feitan sit on the platform and jump down.


"You can come out now, Y/N." Franklin sighed and I stood up. I started going up to the bodies and lighting them on fire one by one so no traces of them could be found.

"Come on, Y/N, you have to melt the vault." Feitan motioned his hand so I could towards him and I ran to him.

"Anything for you, you hot ass motherfucker." I started chuckling to myself and Feitan sighed. "I am too old for you." He said while running behind me.

"I'm legal that's all that matters."

We continued running until we got to the vault. I put my hand on it and saw it start melting but once it finished melting we didn't see anything in there.

"Where's the shit?!" I go inside and start looking around for it but it was completely empty. Shizuku and Franklin came down as well and said that we had an air balloon waiting for us for our escape.

Once we get onto the air balloon we see that some of the other troupe members were on there too. Machi, Uvogin, Shalnark and Nobunaga were all waiting for me, Franklin, Feitan and Shizuku to get on board.

"Where's the merchandise?" Shalnark asks while lighting up the fire. "There was none. When I looked inside it was like somebody took all of it." I leaned against the hot air balloon letting my front half be outside of the hot air balloon.

I felt this big arm hold the back of my head and I looked up and saw Uvogin helping me. "You're gonna die like that. If you die I won't have another drinking buddy, damnit." He laughs at the last sentence which made me smile.

"That would be unfortunate but, after this I might just go and do something with my brothers and figure something out with Hisoka." I fix myself and Uvogin's removes his hand and snickers.

We heard a bullet and then the air balloon started falling. I grabbed onto Feitan and he gave me an annoyed look but held onto the railing.

"Tch, they found us." Nobunaga sighed. We landed on a rock like place and we saw people below us. They had guns and kept shooting them into the air.

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