Meteor x City

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It's been a few weeks since we arrived at Whale Island and his obsession with dolls only got worse. He bought a crib along with children's toys and he started setting it up in the nursery.

"Darling, do you think we need any more stuff? I'm worried if they don't think it's enough... Do you think they want more? Maybe I should ord-"

"NO HISOKA! I'M LITERALLY TRAPPED IN THE STUFFED ANIMALS!" I yelled while throwing the stuffed animals he bought across the room so I can get out.

"What's that? You want more toys?" Hisoka raised both of the dolls up to his ear and nodded. "I'm tired of you buying all of this shit for dolls... You spent over $5000 in the last week!"

"Darling, whatever makes them happy I'll get it." Hisoka replied while pulling out his phone and going back on Amazon to get other shit.

My phone started ringing and it was Shalnark calling. "Oi Shalnark. How's the troupe?" I asked and waited a bit.

"Meteor city? Chimera Ants? I don't want to go on a fucking field trip to go fight ants aren't they like little bugs?" I asked and and put the phone on speaker to check the hunter website for any updates.

"Well... They're more like huge ants that evolved to have human traits. Some of them got to Meteor City and Feitan told us to gather up the troupe so could go and get them out."  Shalnark responded while being on speaker and Hisoka walked over.

"Are any of them like Chrollo?~" He asked and Shalnark sighed. "No... None of them are like the boss."

"Then that's irrelevant to me." Hisoka started walking out the room. "WAIT! I'M GONNA BE GONE FOR A FEW DAYS ARE YOU GONNA BE OKAY?" I yelled out and Hisoka walked back in the room.

"I have them to keep me company." Hisoka squeezed the dolls together and started walking out again.

I sighed and started packing a few clothes and some new birth control pills I bought to take with me on the trip. They were no airships going to Meteor City so I got the closest one and I would meet them there.

*time skip*

"What is this shit hole?" I ask while walking up to the troupe. "Y/N!" Shalnark yelled out while running towards me and giving me a hug.

"Hey shalnark, aw hi little fei fei~" I gave them both a smile. After I gave them a hug I walked to the rest of the troupe and we started talking.

I felt someone tug on my shirt and I turned around and looked down. "H-hello, Y/N... I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm your brother, Kalluto."

I stared at him for a while and he hid his face with his little fan. I crouched down and gave him a hug. "I don't know how you can live with your bitch ass mother, I would kill her."

Kalluto chuckled a bit and I got back up. "That's cute but we have to go the tower is over there." Phinks interjected and I gave him a dirty look.

We started walking over to the tower palace thing and saw that they were these creatures coming up to us. We killed all the minor ones who couldn't comprehend us until this one that looked like a spider came up to us.

He started shooting webs at us but we dodged all of them. "You're all a group of the rares! Miss Zazan would love if I brought her all of you guys!" He beamed out.

"Is that an old man or a spider?" I whispered to Feitan. Feitan shrugged his shoulders and the spider like creature looked at me straight in the eyes.

He started charging right at me but Shizuku caught him off guard. She ran off to another place with him and the troupe split up with different targets.

Feitan grabbed my hand and we started running one way. "Where are we going?" I asked trying to keep up. "To find this Zazan person."

We finally reached this place where it had this big dome and a girl who was wearing a big coat got up.

"HISOKA? IS THAT YOU? You might be a girl now but it's okay I go for girls too!" I exclaimed and started running over to the Zazan person. Once I was about to hug then they tried to smack me out of the way but I dodged.

"I don't know who this Hisoka person is but get out of my palace. I'm the queen around here." She gave me a smug look and I backed up a bit.

"I'll take it from here, Y/N." Feitan pulled my hand back a bit and he started walking towards Zazan. Kalluto, Phinks and some other troupe members showed up.

"What's happening?" Kalluto asked while sitting on a rock. "Feitan is going to fight this creature called Zazan."

We watched for a few minutes while Feitan and her did simple fighting. On this one attack Feitan sent out a bullet from his umbrella and it hit Zazan's face.

Zazan turned her head away and I thought she died. She glared at Feitan and started to rip her tail off.

"Shouldn't we help him? It looks like she's transforming into a crocodile?" I asked Phinks and he just shook his head.

Feitan tried to attack her but she counter and Feitan jumped in mid-air. His shirt came off and all of our eyes widened.

"Who knew Feitan had a body? I thought he was one of those skinny boys." I chuckled a bit and Shalnark came up to me.

"I'm... one of those skinny boys." Shalnark's bottom lip quivered a bit. "N-NO I DIDNT MEAN IT AS A BAD THING-"

Shalnark hugged me and put his face in my chest. "I can change for you, Y/N! My wife will not be displeased!"

"Shalnark don't change, I like skinny boys too!" I gave him a smile and his whole attitude changed. "You do!? See we're meant to be!" He gave me a kiss on the cheek and kept on watching the fight while having his head on my chest.

"There goes his left arm! Hey little Fei fei, ready to trade places!" Phinks shouted. Feitan spit out some blood and then started saying something that was inaudible to us.

"Damn, run for it." Phinks added on while getting up. Shalnark got up and grabbed my hand. "Come on let's go, Y/N."

I let go of Shalnark's hand and turned to Kalluto. "Kalluto, let's go if you die Silva might not care but you're my brother so come on." I held his held and he looked at me with tears forming in his eyes.


I felt an Feitan's aura from where I was standing and I looked over and saw it grew. "Come on damnit!" I yelled and threw Kalluto over my shoulder.

I caught up with the rest of the troupe and surpassed them in running. "Wait up, Y/N! You won't let us die will you?" Phinks yelled out. I turned my head around and nodded my head.

I jumped into a ditch with Kalluto and the other troupe members followed. The place started heating up and fire came out from above.

I put Kalluto down and stood up. "Get down, Y/N! You're gonna get disintegrated!" Phinks yelled out. I put up both of my hands and started manipulating a portion of the fire to turn upwards. It lead a majority of it through the roof and I got out of the ditch.

"Fire manipulation! You're so cute, Y/N! But your skin feels like it's on fire!" Shalnark got out of the ditch and came up to hug me but then slightly backed up. My skin started steaming a bit and I put a hand behind my neck.

"Yeah that's the only problem hehe... I'll be lucky if I make it out of this palace without passing out." I respond slightly slurring my words. Kalluto runs up to me and starts fanning me with his little fan.

"Thanks... Kalluto..." I murmured while closing my eyes and passing out.

*time skip 5 hours*

I opened my eyes slowly and heard the drone voices of someone murmuring in the background. My body was cold and I sat up and saw I was laying down in a tub full of ice.

"Ah, you're awake, Y/N." A deep voice came from behind me. I got some of the ice and put it on my forehead while slowly turning my head.

"Zeno? Doctor Will?" I murmured, I felt the water from the ice drip down my forehead and realized it was already water.

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