Little x Simp

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The past few days that I've been here with Hisoka have been... An experience that's for sure.

*mini flashback*

"This café again darling? We've been going here for a week straight I want to go to the kitty cafe~" His smiled a bit and pointed to the kitty cafe across the street.

"No damnit we always eat what you for dinner so I get to choose breakfast!" I ignored him and walked up to go order, it was a new person at the register most of the time there's an old man.

"Oh h-hello what can I get for y-you..." The man said just above a whisper, he looked really young and nervous.

"Can I get 2 muffins and 2 coffees please?" I ask the man and he nods, I do the payment and walk over to the seats to sit down.

He brings us over our food but he takes a good luck at the muffins to make sure who to give to who.

"Oh thank you have a nice day!" I give him a smile and his cheeks heat up and he sprints away back to the back room.

I look at my muffin and realize there's a little note on the side of mine. I tried not to make a reaction because then Hisoka would wanna know. I slowly tilt the muffin and read it.

'You're really pretty and I want your number but the man next to you seems scary. xxx-xxx-xxxx'

My eyes widened a bit and I wanted to laugh because it was cute and I couldn't let Hisoka know.

The man walked back to the register with his co-worker and they were whispering about something. Hisoka got up all of a sudden, I wanted to pull his arm but he would think it's suspicious...

"Hisoka where are you going? I thought we were gonna eat together?" I fake pouted and drank some of my coffee.

"Just a moment, darling." Hisoka walked back to the register and the man flinched and started talking again.

"W-what can I get for y-"

Hisoka leaned towards him to the point where they were centimeters away from each other's faces.

"If you think she's pretty just tell her that but don't try to be sneaky~" Hisoka licked the man's face and the man just blushes and ran back to the back room.

We don't go to that cafe anymore...
*end of flash back*

"Good morning darling~" Hisoka walks through the door with 2 bags of food.

"Oh good morning Hisoka!" I call out to him while putting on this top we bought the other day.

"Did you know Mcdonald's sells breakfast? I got us the pancakes." Hisoka places a stack of pancakes on the desk and I walk over to the desk to eat some.

We are rather quickly because supposedly Hisoka found the man he found the other day and he planned a fight with him in a few days from now.

We left in a hurry because I wanted to get a good glimpse at the man Hisoka wanted to fight and also because Hisoka said if I get information on him he'll go and get food at the cafe I liked.

"Darling he's over there. Just ask him a few questions and stuff okay?" Hisoka asks me and pushes me out of the hallway where we were hiding.

"OI WHO DO Y- Ow damnit!" I yell at Hisoka for pushing me but I ran into the wall head first. Hisoka is back in the corner chuckling and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Oh, are you alright miss?" The silvered hair man asked me while reaching a hand out.

"You're really hot... I mean yeah thank you!" I grab his hand and he pulls me up. He had a slight tint of blush on his face but it went away soon, he was very professional...

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