The x Chain x User

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Before we got in the car Chrollo came up to us with some news that he found from using the fortune ability.

"I have found a way to narrow down who the chain user is." Chrollo announced while handing up papers of bodyguards who were protecting Neon the same girl who Chrollo stole the nen ability from.

I started looking at the paper and tried to conceal my emotions when I saw Kurapika. After discussing for a while Chrollo's smart ass found out that the chain user was someone after the scarlet eyes and we had a grudge against the troupe. Kortopi tracked down the scarlet eyes and found it to be in Beitacle Hotel...

"Nobunaga, Machi, Pakunoda, Y/N, and Kortopi. Come with me." Chrollo waves his hand to us and we start walking outside but get hit by the rain.

"Tch, it's fuckin-"

"Here, you'll get sick..." Chrollo handed me his coat and I put it over me to stop the rain from coming. He was shirtless and went back inside to get a regular white shirt but I caught Machi looking at him.

"He has a body huh?" I tease Machi and she looks away with a faint blush on her cheeks.

We started walking through the town and I couldn't help but feel that someone was trailing us or spying on us.

"I think someone is following us. I don't sense anyone but my intuition is telling me differently..." I tell Chrollo and look up at him. His hair was wet and little droplets of water fell whenever he turned his head to look at me.

"Thank you for letting us know, Y/N. Come let's get on the train and then if you still feel like that then tell us." Chrollo reaches out and holds my hand while we walk onto the train.

The train was packed but I still felt the sensation that we were being followed. I started looking around and my eyes landed on this boy with a hood over his head but I saw little strands of white hair poking out.

The boy with the hood turned around and our gazes locked. Both of our eyes widened while we looked at each other across the train.

"Y/N..." Killua's lips moved and murmured out my name. The door opened up and the troupe started walking out taking me with them.

"Are you okay, Y/N? You seem a little scared." Shizuku asked me while looking right into my eyes.

"Y-Yeah! I'm a bit claustrophobic that's all but I'm okay! We should get going though before the rain picks up!" I suggest and we start walking to the direction of the hotel.

Killua POV
"Melody! Did you see Y/N too?!" I call out while Melody is waiting for me outside of the train we just got off.

"Yes, but why is she with the troupe? Kurapika told me that last night she comforted him when he came back. It doesn't make any sense." Melody replied back with her soothing voice.

"Tch... Let's keep following them but from a distance, Y/N already saw me but I don't think she told them or else they would've all turned around." Melody and I start trailing them from afar while I pull out my phone.

"Kurapika, Leorio, they're going near the hotel. B-but..."

"What is it Killua?" Leorio answers due to Kurapika most likely putting the phone on speaker.

"I don't know why but... Y/N is with them and she spotted me, but she didn't tell them that Melody and I are following them." I answer back and hear nothing but silence on the other line.


We finally get out of the station and Kortopi let's us know that he feels the eyes starting to descend. Chrollo tells us to start running northwest and we dash after him running through the streets filled with people.

"We're still being followed. Nobunaga, Pakunoda and Kortopi go up ahead." Chrollo says while hopping through buildings.

They keep running and Chrollo grabs my hand causing me to stop. Gon and this girl in a hat and glasses look at us and their eyes widened. They dashed to the alley and we start walking towards them.

Gon all of a sudden pops outs and puts his hands up. "Look I'm sorry! I'll stop following you it's just that you guys had my sister with you!"

"Tch, the other one is here, come out." Machi looks at the section where the girl with the hat hid but Killua pops out.

"Yeah, our sister is with you guys and we thought you guys did something to her! Oneesan, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Killua asks while coming up to me and looking up at me with a worried gaze.

"Why would we hurt her? Troupe members don't hurt each other!" Shizuku exclaims while putting an arm over me.

Gon and Killua's eyes widened and they looked at me in disappointment. "Oneesan... You're a spider?" Gon asks while coming up to me as well and holding my hand.

"Don't worry though, since you 2 are her siblings we won't hurt you. Unless that is you make us." Machi adds on while crossing her arms.

"Yeah... They have a point, Gon, come on. We'll see you later, oneesan..." Killua grabs Gon's hands and they start walking back to the alley but Chrollo stops them.

"How can we trust you that you guys won't go and tell someone? Y/N, I'm sorry but we have to restrain them and take them with us." Chrollo commands Machi and Shizuku to restrain them and they tie ziplocs around their wrists.

I bring them to me side by side and they look at the ground while we continue walking to the direction of the hotel.

"I'm sorry you guys had to find out like this..." I whisper while tilting my head down. I felt Gon and Killua's eyes lay on me and I was expecting for one of them to yell at me.

"I can't say we're happy to find out but I'm sure you had your reasons..." Killua replies back. I look at him and he gives me a little smile.

"Yeah, you had your reason to do so but it doesn't change the fact that your our big sister!" Gon gives me a big grin even thought he was tied up in ziploc ties and being held against his will.

I smile at Gon as well and keep walking. Although they didn't know why I joined they were semi - supportive.

We walked into the hotel lobby and was met with some other troupe members.

"Aren't they your little brothers?" Pakunoda asks while pointing to Gon and Killua.

I nod and start looking around the lobby and saw a little station where you could make your own tea. I started walking towards the tea station but felt someone bump into me.

"Hey watch it id-"

"I'm sorry... Y/N" Leorio keeps on walking and gives me a smile.

"Leorio..." I whisper but he puts a finger up to his mouth indicating for me to not say anything. I nod my head and continue on making my tea.

Leorio sat down and started blurting own random things like a mad-man but he hinted at some clues so Gon and Killua would interpret.

He said that at 7 the lights would go out and for Killua and Gon to use that to their advantage. I looked at the clock and it was a few seconds behind 7 and I finished making my tea.

Once I started walking back the lights went out and heard Killua's bones cracking...

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