Chapter 15

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It took me some time to reorganize this chapter and add content.



Reverse chuckle looking at his old family and friend, "Four against one doesn't seem so far, is it not Rift, Cliff?"

"No, no it is not"



Cliff and Rift stood on either side of Reverse, each armed with a diamond sword and an iron axe, respectively.

"Well, hello, hello" Cliff chuckled, "Nice to see you again Rainbow, you're looking fine. How's your little friend doing?"

Rainbow opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he felt Night- his dad's hand on his shoulder - calling Nightmare dad is going to take some time to get use to - so glaring at Cliff was the next best option. Everything the human has done flash through Rainbow's mind: the cause of Blue's death and the reason Sabre's safety is in jeopardy. The Steve planned to avenge Blue and keep his promise to Sabre; he wasn't going to let history repeat itself, he wasn't going to let someone he cares for die again.

Nightmare was able to stop his youngest from speaking and his eldest knew it was not time to speak, thankfully, Plague does not know when to hold his tongue.

"You" Plague raised his slime ball towards Rift, "You're going to pay for killing my little brother. You're going to pay for hurting the beans."

The green/blue Steve would have led the attack if his childhood best friend hadn't hold him back.

"Reverse, please, let's talk, all of us" Nightmare begged even though it was impossible.

Reverse, his second youngest, wouldn't listen to him or any of his brothers after doing him wrong all those years ago. Nightmare did what he thought was right by sending the twins away to get help, but that was the biggest mistake the king ever made. As much as they argued, they needed each other just like Dark and Light do each other. This was not how Nightmare imagined his sons to meet, especially learning of his second eldest being alive, but any and every other way went out the door now all is family vs family. The Steve can only hope Sabre and Lucas finish the machine and bring Light in time; Light the only one who can ever calm Reverse no matter what, it's been like that for years and he hopes that it is still in effect.

For now, each of his sons want to have their revenge on those in front of them: Rainbow wants Cliff for taking Blue's life and attempting to take Sabre; Plague wants Rift for taking Green's life and attempting to take Lucas; and Dark wants Reverse for taking their brother's life and ruining everything. Nightmare didn't want to fight Reverse, but he's more than willing to for the oth-

"No! Enough talking! Enough of the dialogue!" Reverse shouted, "I'm going to get my revenge for taking my life away! Get them!"

The battle has begun and both sides charged for a specific person though some did not work out. Rainbow aimed for Cliff, but Reverse intercepted him while Cliff targeted Nightmare instead.

"My fight isn't with you!" Rainbow shouted, trying to fly away while summoning lightning.

"Sorry, but you're mine little brother" Reverse growled and continued to fight his twin with his own lightning summoner.

Plague got his guy, but instead of fighting, Rift more than less dodge and block any attacks sent towards him, angering the Steve further.

"Fight you coward!" Plague screamed, firing another slime ball.

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