Side Chapter 1

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A/N: This is during Rainbow and Sabre's time. Side Chapters are from different views from different people/Steves in the same time period unless said otherwise.

Warning: references to Lucas' videos may not be correct because they are no longer on YouTube, sadly


Before Sabre and Rainbow left to find Memory, they were greeted by an old friend the night before who they missed dearly. Lucas had shown up unexpectedly and Sabre explained as much as he could as fast as he could before Rainbow pulled him away; he did promise to tell Lucas everything when they return. The blonde was saddened that his friends had to go when he just got back but knew Sabre would explain more when he came back; the brunet never breaks his promises.

As of now Lucas was walking around the area where his two friends stayed ever since the Rainbow Town was destroyed by Nightmare; well it was Elemental who used Nightmare as a pawn so not all the blame could be put on Nightmare. Also, from what Sabre told him it was all a misunderstanding and Elemental was good guy in the end; he did sacrifice himself to fix his mistake.

Lucas learned from Sabre's brief explanation that so much had happened during his absence, especially the fact his friends and cousin were in constant danger. Majority of his worry went to Sabre, who had no powers, had to make the hard decisions in situation and foes head on. As much as Lucas regrets staying in his world for so long while danger was pretty much in every corner in Sabre's world, he had to look after Light, Silver, and Gene since there was an evil entity that lurks in his world.

(Gene is the Green Steve that was separated from Reverse)

The reason the blonde came back was when he realized it has been over a year since he last seen his friends or had any contact with Sabre. That is when he knew he had to go back. Thankfully, the evil entity in his world posed no threat to any of them.

Using the machine that brought Rainbow to his world from Sabre's, blonde spawned back in the Rainbow Town - or where it should have been. Lucas was very confused to why he was in a crater instead of the colorful place he called home, where his cousin and Rainbow lived in.

He wondered around the area for several hours trying to find any hints to where either Sabre or Rainbow were, but any and every trace of them was destroyed. When night approach that same day, he was greeted by a winged girl with purple hair and eyes (that's my OC).

She explained very little on what happened to the town and the whereabouts of his friends to Lucas. Any of his questions were meant with very short answers and odd riddles; from Sabre's brief explanation when they were reunited, he and Rainbow had to go through the same thing with Elemental.

The girl did not share her name or anything about herself; however, Lucas could tell she wanted to tell him something since there was always sadness and regret flash in her eyes for a brief moment whenever she look at Lucas, the only emotions that surface in her dull eyes. Whenever she looks like she wanted to tell him something she would bite her tongue to prevent herself from saying anything. It was like if she talks too much, she will reveal something she shouldn't.

Three days had past when the girl told Lucas that she will teleport them somewhere that she said that his friends were. They waited until night when the girl teleport them near where Sabre and Rainbow were. Apparently, she was waiting for that day as the duo were coming back from the village where they met the Purple Steve who helped them. When Lucas saw his friends, he ran to them and hugged them tightly. The human and Steve were both were shock yet were very happy to see their longtime friend. It was Sabre who asked how Lucas found them and the blonde explained what happened to him then went to introduce them to the girl who helped him, only to see she was gone. Where she once stood with Lucas was a piece of paper:

Even your greatest enemy is your greatest friend. We have our curses, it makes us seem weak, but we are strong. Don't forget like others had done.'

Sabre and Lucas understood what it meant since it dealt with their past, but for Rainbow's sake they said that they did not know what it meant.

Back to the present, Lucas looks up at the sky and hopes his friends return shortly, he needs to talk to Sabre.

The blonde was about to walk into the house when he saw someone familiar standing not too far away: Plague. Lucas went to greet him as an old friend, but he forgot one thing: Plague is to be weary of after he tried to control Rainbow and trap the two in the Rainbow Town.

"Plague" Lucas smiled, he did not notice the surprise look on the Steve's face, who thought Sabre told the other about what had happened to him.

"Hello Lucas. It has been a while since I last seen you"

"Yeah, I had to look after some Steves in my world. Something evil was lurking there, and I had to make sure that they were safe" Lucas rubbed the back of his head.

"Was it a Steve?"

"No, yes, kind of? It was a suspicious looking entity, and I didn't want to leave the others defenseless, but since it hasn't posed as a threat I decided to come back here." Lucas signed, "Also I haven't realized it was over a year since I've been gone."

"That is good to here and yeah, you have missed a lot. So where are the other two? Sabre and Rainbow" Plague ask not seeing the two anywhere.

"They said something about dealing with a guy named Memory who had taken Rainbow's memories before from what Sabre told me"

"I see"

Lucas and Plague talk for a bit. Each talking about what has happened with one another. Things were going nicely, that was until Lucas' eyes widen and pushed Plague out of the way of an axe.

"Oof, Lucas what was-" Plague eyes widen when he noticed a golden ax where he just stood.

"I missed" A voice said.

The two look up to see a man with dark green eyes and black hair standing on hill with a frown on his face.

"Guess I had to come down there" The man said as his gaze was trained on one person: Lucas.

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