Thank You/Q&A

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Hey everyone, the rewrite of this is finally finished. Apologies for cancelling the second book only to rewrite them both. I couldn't stand the first book: took much unnecessary and repeated information, the flow of it was just cringe for me.
The first book had 35 parts in total, this book only has 29 including this part but was better put in my opinion (somethings will be in Book 2). After this I'm doing the rewrite for Book 2 which should be relatively the same but with an ending this time and leading up to who Sabre, and Lucas truly are. Also, the supernatural creature Sabre is, I'm surprise actually when I do a supernatural one shot no one asked what Sabre is. 
Anyways, thank you for baring with me on this for so long. 

Also, if you have a question for the group then comment and I'll answer them.

 See you all in the next book


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