Chapter 10

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I realized in my first book that Sabre had his bandanna off the whole time so might want to get the bandanna back


A bit after midnight, Lucas suddenly woke up from a peaceful sleep for some odd reaon. The blonde signed seeing it was still night after looking out his window and got out of bed knowing he won't be able to fall asleep any time soon.

"Lucas?" Lucas look over to Sabre who sat up and rubbed his eye, "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing Sabre, go back to sleep," Lucas said. 

The blonde didn't want to bother his cousin as he alread suffers from insomnia and needs all the rest he can get.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'll wake you up if anything happens"

"Kay" With that Sabre fell back asleep.

Lucas smiled then went out of their shared into the hall to roam the castle to see if a walk will help, it works for Sabre. All he hopes that he doesn't get lost. While walking, the blonde open doors to see where they lead to and so far he found: guest rooms, study rooms, doors that were locked, and Plague's room. The blonde was about to close the door to Plague's room, when he saw a picture on Plague's nightstand of two Steves. Curious about the picture, Lucas quietly entered the room to try not to wake up Plague then took a closer look a the picture. Once he seen who the two were, Lucas left the room as quick as he could back to his room. Lucas guessed he closed the door louder than he expected when he seen Sabre looking at him worriedly.

"Lucas? What's wrong?" Sabre got up when he got no answer and went to his cousin to pull him into a  comforting hug, "Lu, what happened?"

"I-I woke up a-and went t-to take a w-walk a-and and-"

"Lucas calm down, deep breaths" The brunet said soothingly, "Take your time" 

Taking a deep breath, Lucas explained, "I walk around the castle and open doors to see where they lead. I found Plague's room, I was going to leave, but I seen a picture a-and" Lucas barely said it loud enough for Sabre to here.

"Maybe you should ask him?"

"B-but what if he just save me because he-"

"Don't assume anything Lu, not yet anyways." Lucas nodded and held onto Sabre, "Hey how about we sleep in my bed? Like when we were kids?"

"Just like the good old days?" Both boys smiled then went to Sabre's bed. 

Lucas instantly fall asleep while Sabre was wide awake. After Lucas left the room earlier, Sabre tried to go asleep once again but he couldn't as Nightmare's story about Cliff and Rift repeated thru his head, nothing he said made sense. There was something missing about those two. Then the thing about this dark force, why did it did it chose them? There were too many holes and lack of information for anything Nightmare said to be true. 

Sabre signed, he wasn't going to get any sleep anytime soon.


The next morning

Rainbow woke up to the sun shining into his room, he felt really energetic today; more so than he had been since the Rainbow Town was destroyed. He hoped that Sabre and Lucas are up as he walked to their room that is three doors down from theirs. The colorful Steve was nearing his destination when he saw Plague exit from the room his friends are in.

"Plague?" Plague jumped when he heard Rainbow's voice.

"Oh hey Rainbow, those two are still asleep to let you know" Plague gestured to the door he just exited.

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