Chapter 9

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Sabre chuckle, "Aunty isn't going to like that"

The blonde lightly hit the other's shoulder, "Yeah, yeah, now can you tell me what happened after I left?"



By the time Sabre was done explaining everything, Lucas' eyes were widened.

"I did not know that you two had to go through that. Especially you Sabre"

"Well you know how stubborn I get" Sabre jokes.

"Oh I know very well" Lucas chuckled, but his smile turned into a frown, "If I hadn't gone back then -"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Lucas" Sabre interrupted his friend, "You didn't know and you had your responsibilities in your world. You had to protect and watch over the Steves there. Like it was my responsibility to watch out for the Steves in this world."

"You're right" Lucas signed but still felt guilty.

"What do we do now?"

"Maybe see if that other door is open" Lucas said as he got up and check the door to find it was unlock to the humans surprise, "Did not expect that"

"Um Lucas" The blonde turn to Sabre, "I don't, I don't want them to see"

"I know, hmm, I don't have anything to make you a temporary bandanna, maybe we can sneak around to find something?"

Really not wanting to go out without his bandanna, Sabre didn't have an choice but to follow his cousin out of the room. The two made as little noise as possible, and when they exited the room, they  saw that the place is a castle.

"Whoa" Sabre gasped. He thought he had seen big, but this place is a whole other story.

"You can say that again" Lucas commented. 

Both look all around them, Sabre soon found a flight of stairs going down. They look at each other and did one thing that they use to do when they were young and nervous: hold hands. Trying to be as quiet as could be, they venture downstairs and the further they went the closer the more they could hear of an ongoing conversation.

"And that's about it" Rainbow finished, "Sabre knows a lot more, well he knows pretty much everything that had happened, so you might have to ask him"

"I might, there is a lot we must discuss" Nightmare said. 

The humans seen Nightmare and Plague sitting couches listening to Rainbow who sat across from them and just finished up telling the events that had occurred while they were missing. Meanwhile, a certain Steve was not present in the room. Lucas and Sabre look at each other before looking back their friend and enemies.

'Lucas' (Translate: Lucas ,Rainbow is talking to Nightmare one of our biggest enemy and Plague?"

'I know'

'But' (Translate: But how is he so calm?)

'I don't know'

'Are we' (Translate: Are we going to freak out in front of them?)

'Soon enough'

'You know it's not polite to eavesdrop on a conversation' (Translate: Uh oh)

Both humans let out a scream when they saw Dark standing behind them before running out from their hiding place and out to where the others were. Rainbow, Nightmare, and Plague jumped when they heard screaming then saw Sabre and Lucas running with Dark walking behind them.

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